was fired from ups


Has anyone ever been fired for being dishonest? A person I know was fired from UPS for dishonesty. This person had a meeting with higher management one week. This individual was asked questions about his/her personal life. This UPSer denied what they were asking for personal reasons. Another UPS er management was asked the same personal questions. The person also denied. 2weeks later both were brought back in for questioning. One stuck with his/her story the other was interviewed and was told that the other involved individual spilled his/her guts and told them everything. When in reality this UPSer did not. So hearing this trickery from Higher management the individual went along with it. He/she was tricked and fired right there on the spot. This idividual was forced to sign the resignation form. Was very upset not realizing what he/she was doing. Also was told to sign form saying he/she no longer wanted Union representation.
Is there any justice in this and is there anyone out that had this happen to them? Both individuals were terminated!

Sounds like they both deserved to get canned for gross stupidity. They both should know a relationship between a management person and an hourly person could attract attention. All they really had to do was to tell the person asking the questions that that any such questions were personal and would not be answered. All they really had to do was to act outraged that anyone with the company would actually expect them to answer questions about their personal life. All the hourly person had to do was insist on refusing to answer questions without union representation.

So in this case we are expected to believe that both parties were having a relationship that was totally discreet. Both parties were then caught on a company fishing expedition where the company representative just happened to guess that these two were having a relationship and happened to guess the facts of the case. We are then expected to believe that the guess was so accurate that one of the two was fooled into believing the other had spilled his / her guts and confessed all. Give me a break !!!
Thats not totally true man. In the Jacksonville HUB there are fulltime managers getting busy with hourlies as well as part time supervisors. It is something that is overlooked as long as there is no fight over the booty. If a full timer is wanting someone that a part timer is already hooked up with thats when the problem comes in. Ive seen it with my own eyes and I can even give names of the full timers that are involved with hourlies. I know about 5 full timers that have something going on with part timers as well as hourlies, and more than a hand full of part timers that are involved with both.


Staff member
I have slept with many management people, and there has never been a problem........

Right, Tie?

(By the way, you were the best!)


Active Member
The only time management should have any legitimate concern is if somebody at the rank of center manager or higher is messing around with somebody they supervise, which I believe is actually written company policy. I could see where that could create a conflict of interest. Otherwise it's none of their damn business. Besides, fraternizing with any level of management may be a bad idea.

Know your rights too. If your managers know that you won't open your mouth when you have a problem, they will continue to put the screws to you. If you don't know your rights you'll wind up like the idiot who is the subject of this thread and got fired for not keeping it in his/her pants.


he was told if he did not sign the resignation form and it went to arbitration they would make sure that any new jb he interviewed for it would show he was fired for being dishonest. If he did sign it they would show she left UPS for personal reasons. He was having a romantic relation with another male supervisor. To protect there privacy which most gay people due they lied about there relationship. They were not living together and the supervisor never gave special treatment to this worker. A union steward was present.

Union steward did a piss poor job then.

My god we actually stuck our nose into a gay relationship, thats the one we usually leave alone.

UPS has no right to pry into your personal life. Any questions into your private life off the job should always recieve the answer "I will not answer any such question since it would be an invasion of my personal privacy" This way you do not get caught up in the caught in a lie integrity issue game.

UPS will not divulge the reason for your discharge since doing so has gotten them too many lawsuits.

The sad thing is these people got fired. the good news is the courtroom awaits and we have paid quite handsomely in the past when prying into peoples personal lives.


Well-Known Member
To me that is dishonesty from management for spinning the "story". Can anyone say lawsuit???

I agree. If they would have forced me to sign, i would say no thank you. You will be hearing from lawyer tomorrow.
The reason why they want you to sign is several reasons, 1)they wont have to pay you unemployment. They sugar coat it by saying if you sign it wont go on your record. 2)they know if you sign you wont have any recourse later, especially union representation.

join the club been fired 4 times.each time they violated my wiengarten rights each time except once if your vocal about your rights your a trouble maker if your hurt they try to intimidate you you have a contract read and make a stand.


Iwas fired once and I was in the wine garden for 3 weeks before they called me back.The thing was, I made 13 calls to my union rep and not once did he return my calls.My sup called and said he had pointed out to the little hitler center manager at the time that I was a good employee and should be given another chance.
Anyone involved in a management/hourly sexual relationship is risking their job. Both of them. They knew it, because their is no way you can work for the company and not know it. If they had been honest at the get-go the company may have asked one of them to resign, transfered one to another center or department or asked them to terminate the relationship. When they lied, for whatever reason, they dug their own graves. Being gay had nothing to do with it, and may have even encouraged the company to provide some really positive solutions to the problem to avoid appearing judgemental. I think it was the terminated employees who handled it badly.
Actually ther is no mention what so ever to an hourly about any relation with a member of mgmt. It all falls on mgmt`s shoulders to know better. In 21 years I have seen several cases of interspecies dating (mgmt/hrly) and only the mgmt person was reprimanded. The only case where I saw someone fired was because they were having sex on the clock. They got them for stealing time:lol: . If this fired hourly worker really wanted her job back she could get it.


I worked a number of years in UPS a management role and I can tell you the best question to ask them is "under what grounds". They love to dance around the issue and scare people into signing letters of resignation. If you resign the company looks great. No one gets fired at UPS they all resign for some reason the company is magical. No the culture has been twisted and good intentions have turned to managers that have no mind of their own. It is a sad state at UPS and I can promise you there is more money and better jobs out there. I had a great time at UPS, lots of good friends. I was always on track to move up but I am telling you my first year out I made more then I ever did at UPS. It used to be a great place to be a manager, it is not anymore. They are not smart enough to understand the competition so they will try to physically pound the labor to meet the goal. Apparently wall street agrees and FedEx stock is going crazy while UPS stock lags. (what a terrible investiment that has become). If you want a better lifestyle get out. If you like security and you are willing to be an abused wife the rest of your life, I hear they give you a free turkey every year..... enjoy your time.


New Member
This isn't the first time i've heard of things like this happening. I personally know of 6 people that were followed home after work by upper management to see what these people do after hours. I know of a pregnant woman who was as the paternity of her child. And thats just the tip of the ice burge. My advice would be to contact a lawyer and get a free consultation on this. Also tell your friend to run a search on the internet about ups and lawsuits. It might just suprise you.


Well-Known Member
Rule number one- never go into the office for questioning WITHOUT a Steward present.

Rule number two- If you are in the office without a Steward and you feel the questioning will turn to disciplinary action ASK FOR A STEWARD!!!

Once you ask for a Steward they are supposed to stop questioning you and get you a Steward

Once you ask for a Steward, any attempt by management to continue to ask questions is ILLEGAL until the Steward arrives.

Rule number three- NEVER!! NEVER!!! NEVER!!! SIGN ANYTHING!!!!

You have rights under union and constitutional laws, you live in America, even inside a UPS building.. DON'T FORGET IT!! EVER!!


Well-Known Member
They were having a relationship. Supervisor and a union member. They lied about there relationship to protect there privacy. They dd not get fired for the relationship but for lying.
As a shareholder who cares about the people who work for the company, I would say ... hire an attorney on a contingency basis. If the attorney takes the case, you are probably in the right. Where I worked, there were numerous marriages between managers. How did that happen without some premarital hanky panky? Now that's not exactly the same thing as a manager-unionmember relationship, but a lawyer could probably make something of it. Litigate and find out who is right. Just hiring an attorney may resolve this issue.