One thing doesn't have anything to do with the other. You accuse others of racism, while you post more racist comments than anyone else I've seem on BC.
By the way, I'm part Cherokee. Those were my ancestors that were cheated, robbed, raped, and slaughtered. Why would I or others with native ancestry think what happened was right? You assume you know more than you actually do know.
To most people, the term Redskin means nothing more to them than to identify a football team. How many people do you hear referring to Native Americans as redskins? Where I live no one uses that term.
What happened 150 years ago was wrong. Murdering Native Americans, slavery, domestic rape, all were wrong. No one disagrees with those points. Times have changed and those things are no longer acceptable. I think everyone agrees with that.
As for reminders about wrong actions in the past, we need some of those. Otherwise, people will forget and history will be repeated. Murdering natives, the Holocaust, Jihad( this has happened many times over the centuries), all these things will be repeated in one form or another. We can't allow what happened to be forgotten or be viewed somehow as acceptable.
The issue here is your hypocrisy. And your hate filled posts. The content is accurate for the most part, minus your spin that you occasionally try to put on certain subjects. You post as if the world is unaware of what happened, and as if the rest of us are all idiots and you are the savior of the world by bringing things to light.
If you spent half the effort to do things to improve situations as you do posting and treating others as fools, then you would accomplish a great deal. As it is now, you only create more hate and negativity.
Try doing something constructive to improve situations, and you will be surprised to find out just how many people will come along side to help you and back you up. A lot of people are simply waiting for the right leader. Heck, if you were doing the right thing I might follow you and help you myself.
Ditch the hate and hypocrisy first.
Rainman, I am half Navajo Indian myself, my roots originating in the Arizona desert with the many tribes of the Grand Canyon. Along with the Hopi Indians, the Navajo people still remember what happened to their ancestors and also understand why they were placed in such a desolate hot place where they were expected to die off because of lack of water, crops or shelter.
I think you made my point here:
"To most people, the term Redskin means nothing more to them than to identify a football team. How many people do you hear referring to Native Americans as redskins?"
Without the "history" or etymology of the word, people today dont connect the two issues together. What I am saying is that this country has done all it can to cover this aspect of the Indian genocide quiet and secret from its citizens, and because of this, those "people" who you say think football team show how little they understand of the term.
While I see nothing wrong with a TEAM honoring a native tribe with a name, like The Blackfoot, or The Blackhawks, or The Seminoles, or The Mohawks, those are respectful and names worthy of legacy.
The TERM REDSKIN however, has NO PLACE in our vocabulary given its original roots, its use or foundation of application when it was created. It wasnt a WORD created by the tribes nor was it a word prior to the white mans existence in this country.
When the white man came to this country and took it by force, they showed zero respect for the people that lived here. Of course, we all know that genocide has existed for centuries, as even the Christian and Catholic churches did their fair share of killing over the centuries.
But, in this country, we are suppose to be a respectful nation, respectful of all the different kinds of people living here. When White men created the term Nggrr, it was openly used in a derrogatory fashion.. At some point in our history, we let the term go and white people no longer say that in public (well maybe except for superballs) and the term is no longer a staple in the white mans vocabulary.
The same should be of the term REDSKIN, which is also a white mans creation and derrogatory in connotation.
Regardless of what "people today" think, given the history and understanding what the origin of the word REDSKIN is, people should rethink the use and support its removal from our society.
Nobody can justify the use of the term REDSKIN associated with an Indian in a sentence properly.
Why not understand that white people may not find it offensive, but other people do find it offensive given the understanding and origins?
If I referred to white children as "crackers" constantly, wouldnt you find that offensive??