I am native american indian and hispanic. You are full of Cra... well , you know.
Canadian, French,Creole,Blackfoot Indian, smidgen of Polish.
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I am native american indian and hispanic. You are full of Cra... well , you know.
That's B.S. you can't even say 'Indians' have to say Native Americans (I never do). So, Cleveland is just as screwed up as Washington according to political correctness. Redskins is a fine name.
Canadian, French,Creole,Blackfoot Indian, smidgen of Polish.
We as a society decide what is and isn't acceptable. When I hear the word redskins, I don't even think of Native Americans, I think of football... I'm betting that goes for a lot of other people too. If you don't like the name, don't support the team or the NFL.
It is important to consider what actual Native Americans think of the name though:
90% of American Indians find the name of Washington "Redskins" Acceptable
I'll go with that except it excludes Jewish players.
I didn't think Jews excelled at ANY sports
We as a society decide what is and isn't acceptable. When I hear the word redskins, I don't even think of Native Americans, I think of football... I'm betting that goes for a lot of other people too. If you don't like the name, don't support the team or the NFL.
It is important to consider what actual Native Americans think of the name though:
90% of American Indians find the name of Washington "Redskins" Acceptable
I've never even heard of Little how can it be close to me. You once said Calvert was my guy.....I'm not in the 42nd district.
I don't need respect from the likes of you.
I'll just keep things my way.....lots of people wouldn't want me to change a thing. Go ride your putt-putt and beat people up like you said you do..
If there was a team named the Whiteskins, they would be called racists by the same people who are offended by the name Redskins...
No Need for Redskins to Change Name, Says PETA - PETA
When you hear the word "redskin," what do you immediately think of? Potatoes, of course! And who could be offended by a harmless redskin potato—except, maybe, for the Yukon Gold lobby (and if Alaska had a football team, rest assured that we'd be the first to suggest the Yukon Gold Diggers as a franchise name).
Don't change the legendary Redskins name. Just change the logo.
Ok, its easy to understand why "white" people wont take the time to consider the history of the Native American Indian. Nobody wants to revisit that era, no matter how horrific that period of time was for the Native American Indian.
I know its alot simpler to downplay the word "redskin" as if it has no negative conotation to it.
The American Indians would disagree however.
In the pioneer days, states paid "bounties" for REDSKIN heads and scalps. The word "REDSKIN" was a generic word that encompassed ALL native american indians in the country. The early "paymasters" for the redskin heads and scalps used the head of an indian with a feather on it as its logo.
The STATES paying bounties for killing indians and returning their heads and scalps is a disgusting part of american history.
My state, CALIFORNIA paid out MILLIONS of dollars for the slaughter of all indians in the state.
RW ONLINE:True Story of the 1849 California Gold Rush: Gold and Genocide
quote from article:
In his January 1851 message to the California legislature, California Governor Peter H. Burnett promised "a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the two races until the Indian race becomes extinct." Newspapers cheered on the campaign. In 1853 the Yreka Herald called on the government to provide aid to "enable the citizens of the north to carry on a war of extermination until the last redskin of these tribes has been killed. Extermination is no longer a question of time--the time has arrived, the work has commenced and let the first man who says treaty or peace be regarded as a traitor." Other newspapers voiced similar sentiments. ""
The murdering of "REDSKINS" should never be a word that is "honored" by anyone in this country who has a conscience. To attempt to downplay the word is OFFENSIVE in itself.
Would any of you support a team called the "Alabama N-GG-rs?"