I use 'redskin' potatoes the most often. Redskins with parsley and butter !!! Mmmm, mmmmm!!
While this person attempts to "joke" at the serious nature of the conversation, history tells us of the thousands of innocent "redskin" men, women and children who were slaughtered in early america by the "WHITE" man.
We call the "muslims" who behead people, "animals" or "barbarians" for cutting off heads, yet, this very country was FOUNDED on that very premise.
The Scalp Industry
How about those wonderful "pilgrims"?
"""In the American colonies, a posse of
New Hampshire volunteers comes across a band of encamped
Native Americans and takes 10 "scalps" in the first significant appropriation of this
Native American practice by European colonists. The posse received a bounty of 100 pounds per scalp from the colonial authorities in Boston.
Although the custom of "scalping" was once practiced in Europe and Asia, it is generally associated with North American native groups. In scalping, the skin around the crown of the head was cut and removed from the enemy's skull, usually causing death. In addition to its value as a war trophy, a scalp was often believed to bestow the possessor with the powers of the scalped enemy. In their early wars with Native Americans, European colonists of North America retaliated against hostile native groups by adopting their practice of scalp taking. Bounties were offered for them by colonial authorities, which in turn led to an escalation of intertribal warfare and scalping in North America.""" ( excerpt)
The Horrors of the Native American Indian may be easily forgotten by White America, but people of color know better. This country as a whole, should be considerate of the feelings of all peoples, especially those peoples who were murdered, tortured, raped by the founders of this country.
Alta Californian newspaper reported on a massacre of Native People carried out by Captain Jarboe in 1860: "The attacking party rushed upon them, blowing out their brains and splitting their heads open with tomahawks. Little children in baskets, and even babies, had their heads smashed to pieces or cut open. Mothers and infants shared the same phenomenon.... Many of the fugitives were chased or shot as they ran.... The children, scarcely able to run, toddled toward the squaws for protection, crying with fright, but were overtaken, slaughtered like wild animals and thrown into piles."
On April 12, 1860 the state legislature approved $9,347.39 for "payment of the indebtedness incurred by the expedition against the Indians in the County of Mendocino organized under the command of Captain W. S. Jarboe in 1859." California's governor wrote a letter to Jarboe congratulating him for doing "all that was anticipated" and giving his "sincere thanks for the manner in which it [the campaign] was conducted.""" ( excerpt )
JUST BECAUSE SOME FOOTBALL TEAM CHOSE TO USE THIS NAME years ago, that doesnt mean "We" as americans cant be civil today and pay our respects to the thousands of dead "redskins" who gave their lives so you could live on the very land they called home.
Think beyond yourself people.
Maybe if the logo was more realistic, you would change your minds.?