Got the T-Shirt
33% returned ballots is actually on the high side, which means the leadership must be pleasing to a higher pct of the membership than average, or they wouldn't get re-elected.
You really think a local would be better run by simply getting more votes from pt's, who by your admission, are not members that long? The same folks that are too lazy/apathetic/uninterested to go through the monumental effort of marking an X on a ballot, putting it in a self addressed stamped envelope and placing said envelope back in the mailbox?
The last thing we need in any election is more uninformed voters.
You see members make the assumption, that their long term elected officials
are always "in bed" with management. There might be isolated incidents....
But, I've always found these people to be low % information types.
Changing administrations every 3 years, is an opportunity for the company
to take advantage of the inexperience. It takes most newly elected officials
3 years.... just to learn the job.