Well-Known Member
200 stops in a p500...Plenty of bigger cars around. Two beds and one fireplace in the load. 100 of the 200 were paled in the 6000/6999 range. 10am start time. Called onroad and asked if the 2 S packages(Omaha/Best Buy) should take any priority since I may not be able to finish. No was the answer ...stay on trace. They then changed their mind four hours later after I asked again. Was about 4pm before I could move in the car and get any work done. Just finished the last Omaha Steak at 615 pm and got the message to head back to the center. Punch out 1900...98 stops done235 stops, did 40ish, worked my limit of 6, went home. Would have been more productive but dispatching errors along with trailer pulling, sprinkle in a bulked out 800 is a recipe for fail.
Was the biggest cluster I've seen in 30 peaks. Hey got back safe and the weather was great. Nothing was delivered on my bid route Saturday either.