Welcome to Stupid Saturday


Nine Lives
Because as an employee and a customer it prevents customers from getting a refund on a parcel that was guaranteed by UPS to be delivered on time, since UPS did not hire enough help to process and deliver the parcels they guarantee it is a scape goat to get out of paying claims. We have done it on our DIAD but they decided it takes to long so now they do it on the hand helds. Either way it is the customer who pays the bills who has no recourse.

In the past only the week of Christmas were time in transit and air guarantees removed or relaxed.
Like I said, "None of your business!"


Package Center Manager
Well not every area is blown up, we have stayed clean since the 1st day. We have worked Saturday's (ask for volunteers then forced drivers in) every driver in the building worked on Super Saturday. No one has come within 8 hours of 60 hours every Friday so plenty of hours left to work on Saturday. No snow or ice here so everyone is in a pretty good mood going into the last week.

I am sure the PO-FEDX as well as us cannot handle all the shipping via the internet. It is the nature of the beast this time of year.


Well-Known Member
Correct, it's not his business ... if you want everything to be your business, then open your own business.

The problem is you don't have to interact with that customer on a daily or near daily basis.

I no longer try to justify decisions such as these. I give the customer our local number and the supervisors name and they can take it from there.


Well-Known Member
We have this issue in our center, whenever I'm instructed to sheet misroutes as anything other than missed I put per(name of sup sending message) in remarks.
This can still get you fired. At panel when they ask you "did you know what you were doing was dishonest?" That yes answer you give them will keep you terminated.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I think it is more like "unsafe or illegal".
Dishonest is such a subjective term, it is essentially useless.
In past times I have been instructed to record packages as EC when there was no legitimate emergency in order to hide service failures caused by over dispatching and cutting routes.
This amounts to defrauding our customers and I refused to be a part of it, choosing instead to record as "missed" with the full expectation and willingness to receive a warning letter.

Never got one.

Management has the abilty to edit timecards and change exception codes on delivery records. This creates a paper trail, however. If they are unwilling to make such changes themselves, it becomes pretty obvious why they are asking the drivers to do the dirty work for them.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
I can never understand drivers who object to using EC when told to. What do you care how it's sheeted? Just do what they want.
Because (a) by doing so you become a party to defrauding your customers out of a refund they are entitled to and (b) hiding the service failures creates the illusion of a rational dispatch that will then be used to justify cutting even more routes in the future.

And, in my case, I will retire on my route and while I am still here I want to be able to look my customers in the eye when I deliver to them.


Nine Lives
You have been in feeders too long.

Do you think those packages either disappear or somehow deliver themselves?

I overheard our PDS/on car basically telling a driver who had been relying a bit too heavily on EC that he needed to start walking off some of those packages.

I am fortunate that I deliver in the city and EC is not an issue for me but it is obvious that there is misuse/abuse of EC by both management and driver.
You would have never made it in management.
In management, your personal thoughts are irrelevant.
Unless it is unsafe or illegal, you cover your tracks, but work as directed.
You talk like you have the authority of management but you do not.


Nine Lives
In past times I have been instructed to record packages as EC when there was no legitimate emergency in order to hide service failures caused by over dispatching and cutting routes.
This amounts to defrauding our customers and I refused to be a part of it, choosing instead to record as "missed" with the full expectation and willingness to receive a warning letter.

Never got one.

Management has the abilty to edit timecards and change exception codes on delivery records. This creates a paper trail, however. If they are unwilling to make such changes themselves, it becomes pretty obvious why they are asking the drivers to do the dirty work for them.
That indicates the decision was made at the local center level and they don't want the light of truth to shine upon the deed.
I almost always asked for written confirmation on any "questionable" scenarios ... once I got it, I acted upon their instructions.


Nine Lives
Because (a) by doing so you become a party to defrauding your customers out of a refund they are entitled to and (b) hiding the service failures creates the illusion of a rational dispatch that will then be used to justify cutting even more routes in the future.

And, in my case, I will retire on my route and while I am still here I want to be able to look my customers in the eye when I deliver to them.
You should go into management since you want to make decisions at the management level.
If you want to call the shots, either get into management or start your own business.
You are paid to execute the decisions by your management.
That's just plain common sense which you normally seem to have in abundance ... but not in this instance.
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Package Center Manager
Because (a) by doing so you become a party to defrauding your customers out of a refund they are entitled to and (b) hiding the service failures creates the illusion of a rational dispatch that will then be used to justify cutting even more routes in the future.

And, in my case, I will retire on my route and while I am still here I want to be able to look my customers in the eye when I deliver to them.

It's a good thing you do not work for any of your customers on your route...it would be a short stint..but they would still like you!