Welfare potheads


Well-Known Member
As long as it's after 8! Honestly I already give quite a bit of my time to different organizations.
Volunteer in the neighborhood you are so upset about. Calling the cops on a situation you know nothing about accomplishes absolutely nothing. Volunteer at the local homeless shelter, drug rehab center, boys and girls club, etc. Stop bitching on BC and do something to help these people.


Nine Lives
I don't know how old you are, but judging by your comments I wouldn't guess old enough to be a UPS employee. Pretty sad if you're a grown man. Does it make you feel big and strong to insult people? And you're a staff member? Lol that alone speaks volumes about this forum.
Another loser that doesn't get my humor!

Think about it!

PS - I love messing with people that take themselves real seriously.


Volunteer in the neighborhood you are so upset about. Calling the cops on a situation you know nothing about accomplishes absolutely nothing. Volunteer at the local homeless shelter, drug rehab center, boys and girls club, etc. Stop bitching on BC and do something to help these people.
Calling the cops gets someone involved....you know a social worker....someone who made it their career to help people in situations like this.....there is a reason they have hotlines etc.


Nine Lives
Volunteer in the neighborhood you are so upset about. Calling the cops on a situation you know nothing about accomplishes absolutely nothing. Volunteer at the local homeless shelter, drug rehab center, boys and girls club, etc. Stop bitching on BC and do something to help these people.
Calling the cops will not do anyone good!


I'm a star
You can make the call anonymously, and some states have statutes that require you to report abuse. Some have statutes that protect you from any civil or criminal charges you might otherwise face. Here's a website that has reporting numbers for every state:
How to Report Suspected Child Maltreatment - Child Welfare Information Gateway

This gives the trained social workers a chance to investigate and determine what, if anything, needs to be done.


Inordinately Right
Sorry for contributing something of value. I know you generally frown upon that.
Uh, guess you don't know any social workers. If they've got a bed and there's food in the fridge, all a phone call will do is waste everyone's time.

The guy delivers a box, smells weed, and wants to report them to the authorities lol. Get real.


Well-Known Member
When I was walking into work this morning, I ran into one of my cover drivers that I hadn't seen in a few months. I had been wondering what happened to him, I figured that he was out with an injury or something. He told me that he had been at a Halloween party and was trying out some new stuff to vape with. Supposedly, according to him, somebody mixed some cannabis oil with some mixture without him knowing. I don't know how UPS got involved, but he was tested and it came back positive. He lost his job at the panel hearing this morning.
wow. like i said im not an expert but ive never been hungover from weed.

john chesney

Well-Known Member
So if you saw that you wouldn't do anything? This forum is cancer. Bunch of over 50 burnt out UPS drivers who have nothing better to do with their time than bash people in here. Good for you man.
Maybe we been through so much :censored2: in our lives we don’t judge people anymore.If I see a kid in danger I’ll act otherwise I’m a delivery driver.I understand venting I hate delivering people dog food that won’t get off their fat ass.

john chesney

Well-Known Member
Yeah I get that....but I feel obligated and I do t think the police would be like "the UPS guy told us lol". I mean we have the sheriff come to our center and talk about sex trafficking every year and how we should keep an eye out. Why don't they tell us about this stuff? A big reason the world is so effed up is because people turn a blind eye to everything out of fear.
Are you comparing pot smoking to trafficking children in a sex ring?

john chesney

Well-Known Member
Anyone else sick of the welfare potheads who get Amazon stuff everyday? It's unbelievable the number of drugs addicts who get :censored2: everyday and when they open their door a cloud of weed smoke engulfs you. Half the time they are never there and it's a signature required package but you can always count in them being there the first of the month. I'm sick of these lowlifes. I've turned a blind eye to it for a long time but after seeing stacks of cash, drugs, poor little dirty kids in diapers walking around and getting cussed at or, smacked I think in gonna start reporting them. Imagine the difference UPS drivers could make if everyone did the same thing. Maybe I'm wrong idk....anyone else experience situations like this? I see this at least 5-10 times a day.
United Parcel Snitches. I’ll pass