

Strength through joy

​ No not really, bush isn't responsible for the economy anymore than obama is.
The increase reflects the overall growth in SNAP participation and benefits, the agency said in the August 2013 report. More people qualified, simple as that.

bhos owns this economy .
The US Labor Dept keeps unexpectedly having to adjust their monthly reports .
By not including all those that have totally given up looking for a job which would show that the national rate is well above what they claim it to be .( fudging the books ) .
And since the Labor Dept reports to the WH , enough said .


Inordinately Right
bhos owns this economy .
The US Labor Dept keeps unexpectedly having to adjust their monthly reports .
By not including all those that have totally given up looking for a job which would show that the national rate is well above what they claim it to be .( fudging the books ) .
And since the Labor Dept reports to the WH , enough said .

Barack Obama owns the American Economy? K.... sure buddy.


Inordinately Right
By not including all those that have totally given up looking for a job which would show that the national rate is well above what they claim it to be .( fudging the books ) .
And since the Labor Dept reports to the WH , enough said .

So the labor dept's misleading figures in reporting unemployment.... are actually what causes unemployment? hmmmm... I think not.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
bhos owns this economy .
The US Labor Dept keeps unexpectedly having to adjust their monthly reports .
By not including all those that have totally given up looking for a job which would show that the national rate is well above what they claim it to be .( fudging the books ) .
And since the Labor Dept reports to the WH , enough said .
Where do you come up with all this???with that type of thinking one could go back in time and use this logic when Bush was prez!!!


golden ticket member
Where do you come up with all this???with that type of thinking one could go back in time and use this logic when Bush was prez!!!

It comes in announcements on TV that numbers are"revised" and are worse the month after they are reported. So it's like they lie and then the truth comes out a month later hoping that folks forget.
The "they" is the gov't., the reports are on all news stations on TV.


Inordinately Right
It comes in announcements on TV that numbers are"revised" and are worse the month after they are reported. So it's like they lie and then the truth comes out a month later hoping that folks forget.
The "they" is the gov't., the reports are on all news stations on TV.

It comes in announcements on tv? lol.

Listen..... The unemployment numbers are based on 2 different surveys. The household surveys have a pool of about 60,000 people, so therefore are less reliable. The payroll surveys use about 557,000 job sites, so obviously are more reliable, however it takes a lot more time to analyze all that data.

The BLS starts collecting data every month as soon as the first pay period is complete, but because lots of workplaces send out paychecks every two weeks rather than every week, this doesn’t happen until nearly halfway through the month. That doesn’t leave much time before the jobs report comes out early the next month, and many businesses can’t get their payroll information submitted in time. So the BLS revises the figures once, and then a second time over the next two months as more and more employers get their data in.

They're not just "lying". Good Lord.


Inordinately Right
Also, suggesting that the president is responsible for the current state of the economy is just flat out wrong. The president has very little influence on the economy, despite what Fox News or MSNBC wants you to believe.

Monetary policy is set by the federal reserve.
Fiscal policy is set by congress.

By blaming the president, you're letting all the people who are really responsible off the hook.


golden ticket member
The guy in charge is always to blame....whether he's guilty or not.
The buck stops here ....sound familiar?
You blamed the bad economy on Bush....payback's a beeatch!!


Inordinately Right
The guy in charge is always to lame....whether he's guilty or not.
The buck stops here ....sound familiar?
You blamed the bad economy on Bush....payback's a beeatch!!

Again you are not interested in facts. Sad really.
And I didn't blame the bad economy on Bush, I blame the thousands of dead american soldiers on him. He is not the commander in chief of the economy.


Inordinately Right
Trolling is sad!

You said the gov't lies about unemployment numbers.
I explained to you why they are revised as data becomes available.

I explained to you why the president has very little influence over the economy.
You said, ya well you blamed bush so payback's a beeeatttccchhhh.

I said I blame bush as commander in chief for his military actions, not the economy.
You say I'm a troll.....

Maybe all the facts confused you.... Just go ahead and post a subtley bigoted cartoon about obama so we can get back to the norm, I think this conversation got over your head.


golden ticket member
Apparently you don't remember the "messiah" talking about the horrible economy he inherited from Bush !!
As far as the numbers go....why not just wait the extra month and report one set of truthful numbers ??


Inordinately Right
Apparently you don't remember the "messiah" talking about the horrible economy he inherited from Bush !
You blamed the bad economy on Bush....payback's a beeatch!!
I'm not Obama, or an Obama supporter, so why did you say YOU blamed the bad economy on Bush?

why not just wait the extra month and report one set of truthful numbers ??
Because the unemployment numbers are not just meant so YOU can know about unemployment.

Unemployment numbers along with a lot of other economic indicators are used by people in banking, finance, and a lot of other sectors. If the bureau of labor statistics waits 3 months to put out the figures, people can't respond to the changing economy as quickly.

The "truthful" numbers(as you put it) are released once a year, when the survey data is replaced with a comprehensive count of the unemployment insurance rolls. Do you want to wait a year?

People who actually need these numbers, know that they are only estimates. The problem is that you don't. Hopefully now you do.
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Strength through joy
So what numbers are you confused about ?
[h=2]Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization[/h]
U-1 Persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer, as a percent of the civilian labor force.
U-2 Job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs, as a percent of the civilian labor force.
U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate).
U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers .
U-5 Total unemployed, plus discouraged workers, plus all other persons marginally attached to the labor force, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force .
U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force .


golden ticket member
Instead of keeping their mouth shut....our leadership (?) is perfectly happy giving out incorrect info. instead of waiting and giving out accurate info. The economic numbers are just SOME of their misinformation.

Just like the Benghazi deal.....yeah, a video, yeah that's it !!


Inordinately Right
So what numbers are you confused about ?
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

She's confused as to why the BLS doesn't know, today, that some random person in New York lost his job, yesterday.
There's over 300 million Americans. That's why we use surveys to get a close statistical estimate, and that's why as more data becomes available, the estimates are revised.


Inordinately Right
Instead of keeping their mouth shut....our leadership (?) is perfectly happy giving out incorrect info. instead of waiting and giving out accurate info. The economic numbers are just SOME of their misinformation.

Just like the Benghazi deal.....yeah, a video, yeah that's it !!

Did you even read my post? The unemployment numbers are not misinformation, they are not trying to deceive you. It's to help people in industries that need that economic indicator NOW, not later. Thats why the bureau of labor statistics puts out the estimates. Good Lord, do i need to change my avatar to FOX NEWS for you to listen?


nowhere special
Its impossible to get accurate numbers under Obama with so many people giving up and dropping out of the workforce so are no longer officially counted. Under Bush the unemployment rate was far superior and there was no attempt to try to fudge the numbers like is done now.