

Inordinately Right
Its impossible to get accurate numbers under Obama with so many people giving up and dropping out of the workforce so are no longer officially counted. Under Bush the unemployment rate was far superior and there was no attempt to try to fudge the numbers like is done now.

The president has very little influence over the economy. It might serve your partisan agenda to say that he does though. Do you actually want to hold the people responsible for the economy accountable? Then stop blaming one person.

The federal reserve sets monetary policy.
Congress sets fiscal policy.
Take your pick.


golden ticket member
She's confused as to why the BLS doesn't know, today, that some random person in New York lost his job, yesterday.
There's over 300 million Americans. That's why we use surveys to get a close statistical estimate, and that's why as more data becomes available, the estimates are revised.
Here's some revised numbers for you.....there are still 4 dead from that embassy attack and it's coming up on a year now in about 22 days. They know who did it and the guilty are walking around free.
Go make excuses to those 4 families.


Inordinately Right
Here's some revised numbers for you.....there are still 4 dead from that embassy attack and it's coming up on a year now in about 22 days. They know who did I and the guilty are walking around free.
Go make excuses to those 4 families.

Ya, move on to something else when you are proven wrong.... you must be taking tips from Bill OReilly.

The guilty walked around free during Bush's entire terms in office. We had Osama bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora, but Bush didn't think it was important enough to get him, instead we invaded Iraq, for no reason at all. Coincidentally, the democratic administration actually got to take credit for getting him. No one wants to talk about the fact that he was in Pakistan this whole time. No, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Both Bush and Obama Administrations have terrible foreign policy blunders. Typical politicians in every regard.


Strength through joy
[h=2]Same Number of Unemployed American CITIZENS Are Equal to the Number of ILLEGALS That Obama Wants to “Legalize” and Give American Jobs To.[/h]A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies found that 57.5 million working-age Americans are either unemployed or currently out of the labor market, a figure that matches what some estimate to be the number of immigrant workers that would be brought into the country by the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.

Now just where are these additional jobs coming from ?


Inordinately Right
Same Number of Unemployed American CITIZENS Are Equal to the Number of ILLEGALS That Obama Wants to “Legalize” and Give American Jobs To.

A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies found that 57.5 million working-age Americans are either unemployed or currently out of the labor market, a figure that matches what some estimate to be the number of immigrant workers that would be brought into the country by the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.

Now just where are these additional jobs coming from ?

If the economy wasn't this bad, people wouldn't be using undocumented immigrants as scape goats. Jobs aren't really being lost to immigrants, they're being lost abroad.....
Korea trade deal cost 40K good US jobs already |Teamster Nation

My problem with immigration, is not hard working immigrants, it's the entitlement system.

Immigrants founded this country, and contributed to it's success over the first few centuries. However, the Irish and Chinese immigrants that built our great buildings and railroads, weren't given free education and healthcare.
We have to choose between the entitlement system and open immigration/ birthright citizenship policies.

Don't oversimplify the problem by just blaming all immigrants. It doesn't accomplish anything.


Well-Known Member
If the economy wasn't this bad, people wouldn't be using undocumented immigrants as scape goats. Jobs aren't really being lost to immigrants, they're being lost abroad.....
Korea trade deal cost 40K good US jobs already |Teamster Nation

My problem with immigration, is not hard working immigrants, it's the entitlement system.

Immigrants founded this country, and contributed to it's success over the first few centuries. However, the Irish and Chinese immigrants that built our great buildings and railroads, weren't given free education and healthcare.
We have to choose between the entitlement system and open immigration/ birthright citizenship policies.

Don't oversimplify the problem by just blaming all immigrants. It doesn't accomplish anything.
It always tickles me when people use "undocumented immigrants" (language of the left and main stream media) to
gloss over the accurate word Illegal.

Show me a person who has gone through all the required LEGAL steps to become a US citizen, and I will show you
an excellent law abiding positive addition to this country.


Inordinately Right
If the economy wasn't this bad, people wouldn't be using undocumented immigrants as scape goats. Jobs aren't really being lost to immigrants, they're being lost abroad.....
Korea trade deal cost 40K good US jobs already |Teamster Nation

My problem with immigration, is not hard working immigrants, it's the entitlement system.

Immigrants founded this country, and contributed to it's success over the first few centuries. However, the Irish and Chinese immigrants that built our great buildings and railroads, weren't given free education and healthcare.
We have to choose between the entitlement system and open immigration/ birthright citizenship policies.

Don't oversimplify the problem by just blaming all immigrants. It doesn't accomplish anything.

It always tickles me when people use "undocumented immigrants" (language of the left and main stream media) to
gloss over the accurate word Illegal.

Show me a person who has gone through all the required LEGAL steps to become a US citizen, and I will show you
an excellent law abiding positive addition to this country.

So no positive contribution to the conversation? Just gonna keep blaming ILLEGAL ALIENS(happy?)
When I say undocumented, first thing i think is they don't have to pay taxes. Do you want them to pay taxes or not?
Semantics are fun for me too buddy, ready to talk about fixing the problem yet?

Read my post again(it's actually on topic unlike yours)....
I said the problem with immigrants is the entitlement system(WELFARE is the topic of this thread). Birthright citizenship gives their kids a free ride if they continue to be poor. If I was a poor Mexican, I'd break US law a thousand times over to get my kids here, and give them a life in the greatest country on the planet. You wouldnt?

Like I said.... we can't support an entitlement society when we grant birthright citizenship.
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Strength through joy
Have you visited an Emergency Room lately ?
Do you know why certain diseases that most of us have never had are now quite common ?

Ya , I blame those pesty illegals .
They are the problem .
Entering our great & safe country without having a medical exam .
Now many want free liver and/or kidney transplants , so they are doing hunger strikes outside hospitals .
And let's not forget all the US banned chemicals that the Mexican drug cartels are illegally importing to grow their illegal pot crops , which are leaking into our water supplies .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Well-Known Member
In two States --NY and CT --if you apply for all the welfare programs --you and the government claim you are ENTITLED to --you can pull in --35,000 to 50,000 TAX FREE !!!

Why work "on the books" --Collect welfare and mow lawns off the books --live better than most hard working middle class families --that pay their fair share --and must pay the share for the lazy too.