

Strength through joy
The Cato report lists the three best places to receive welfare as Hawaii , Washington DC & Massachusetts.
Guess what is interesting about these 3 places ?
bhos has lived here too.


Strength through joy
$50,540 based on a family of 3 ( mother & two children , ages 1 & 4 ).

They get $7,416 in cash (TANF, it’s called, and that’s the free money on the EBT cards). They collect $6,247 in food stamps, approximately $9,900 in Medicaid (Mass Health), another $979 in WIC (women and infant children), $450 in heating oil, $17,203 in public housing (Section 8) and finally, $300 in free cheese, milk and eggs. - See more at: Carr: Mass. earns distinction as freeloaders’ paradise | Boston Herald


Inordinately Right
Massachusetts is ridiculous. Republicans electing former Mass. Governor Willard Mittens Romney as their candidate was almost as stupid as McCain choosing Palin. They didn't stand a chance.


Inordinately Right
From the article you linked:
The average monthly SNAP (food stamps) benefit is $237 per household … and the average cash benefit is $456, going largely to individuals who are elderly, disabled, children or pregnant mothers in need of assistance.”

Man I hate poor old people.... and disabled people, and children and pregnant women. What a bunch of freeloaders.

Do some research man. Massachusetts is not Mississippi. The location effects the amount of money they get, just think about it, why do you think DC Hawaii and Mass. are at the top of the list? Do you really believe it's because Obama lived there? Really? Then why'd you try and make the connection?

Living wage in Massachusetts: $31.74 (1 adult w 2 children) ...... $66,025
You said they're getting how much again? Those damn disabled freeloaders, what a bunch of crooks.
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Well-Known Member
Hard to admit you're wrong?

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four
of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will
drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four
of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will
drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

The chart went to January 2012.

It should also be noted that the greatest job loss has been in the Public sector, which is due entirely to the recklessness of the American Taliban, AKA, the Tea Party.

Can you rep me below 0?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
In Mass. welfare pays $50,540 / yr .
and no union dues required .
Not so. The average in MA is about $30k/yr and the cost of living is 50% higher than the US average. Most welfare households are headed by a woman with a child under the age of 5.

The truth just ain't in you.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


nowhere special
Potential, not actual. I got my figures from the MA website and here: Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

By the way, since your reading comprehension isn't so hot, here is the first paragraph to the article I posted debunking. Highlights are mine:

The Cato Institute is out with an update to their 1995 study which purports to show that, in most states, welfare pays better than work.

Your study still couldn't debunk the Cato study. It was biased and still couldn't disprove the Cato numbers.