

The Nim
Looking more closely at Nimnim's erroneous story:
Fox's 108.6 million figure for the number of "people on welfare" comes from a Census Bureau's account (Table 2) of participation in means-tested programs, which include "anyone residing in a household in which one or more people received benefits" in the fourth quarter of 2011, thus including individuals who did not themselves receive government benefits. On the other hand, the "people with a full time job" figure Fox used included only individuals who worked, not individuals residing in a household where at least one person works.

Could we agree that 1/4 of the number of people listed of the 108 million so 27 million, is a possible number? My point still stands to a degree depending on the numbers used. Say 27 million on welfare, there's said to be like 35 million people "lacking" healthcare. Which a fair number of those actively chose not to get healthcare because they were young and healthy. Would it still not benefit the country more to help those who are on welfare get gainful employment where they could then afford healthcare beyond the Medicaid they probably qualified for while unemployed than to change the whole system that people had more of an individual choice of?

Most people who have a history of say heart disease or cancer in their family are more likely to choose insurance to cover that instead of more barebones plans where they'd be more likely to have to pay amounts for treatment that they can't afford.

Insurance by nature is all about pooling risk. If your family has a history of long lives and no major medical problems there's no real reason to purchase a plan that covers things beyond major health issues, and even then it's just a chance. With the ACA there's no option to take your family medical history into account, you're forced to pick coverage of at least a certain level or you go without insurance and pay a fine.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Sounds like a liveable minimum wage and a single payer health plan would satisfy everything you ask for.

Glad to see reasonableness. Maybe there is hope!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Strength through joy
Louisiana Suspends EBT Cards for Food Stamp Cheats

More than 12,000 people were sent an insufficient funds notice when the problem with the EBT cards was fixed on Oct. 12; those who transgressed may lose their EBT cards for a year.
Once the system was fixed, it became clear how much fraud there was; one woman had an EBT card with a balance of 49 cents but still had $700 worth of goods in her shopping cart.
Suzy Sonnier, the secretary of state at the Department of Children and Family Services, released a statement saying: "We must protect the program for those who receive and use their benefits appropriately according to the law. We are looking at each case individually, addressing those recipients who are suspected of misrepresenting their eligibility for benefits or defrauding the system."
The Advocate reported that violators will receive a letter stating their EBT cards have been canceled along with information as to how to appeal their cases. They may lose their EBT cards forever.


Well-Known Member
Social Welfare is often the whipping boy of supposed fiscal conservative types and social welfare is not above criticism either. Not to mention being the whining stick of so-called liberals and/or progressives. I'm speaking exclusively of the statist variety from both sides of the isle. But what gets ignored is that social welfare is only 1/3 of the total welfare dollars spent thus ignoring the much bigger welfare queen.

Ben Swann, formerly known for his great Reality Check segments on local Fox News in Ohio offers this re-consideration of the welfare question.

Corporate Welfare is double Social Welfare

When one looks more closely at social welfare and where those end user dollars ultimately end up in the way of bank account, Corp. Welfare may in fact be much bigger than is believed.

The underclass are often berated by many here for not pulling themselves up by their own boot straps while used by others as excuse to absolve themselves of their own lack of charity and community action. But few here ever object to the donkey and elephant that sit on top of this underclass to keep them down in the first place. No one wants to consider how this underclass is being used to benefit the business model upon which modern capitalism is built while crushing them. And don't think the middle class is not now in their sights either.


Strength through joy
I can't wait for my turn to collect welfare .
All I have to do is change my name just a little , drop a letter & add a vowel .
And presto I'll be a new person .
Hello to all those monthly kisses in the mail.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I can't wait for my turn to collect welfare .
All I have to do is change my name just a little , drop a letter & add a vowel .
And presto I'll be a new person .
Hello to all those monthly kisses in the mail.
Or just wait till you're 62 for your middle class welfare to kick in.

Or save and manage expenses wisely while working and that middle class welfare check will be supplemental income.


Well-Known Member
Or just wait till you're 62 for your middle class welfare to kick in.

What middle class welfare would that be? Be real careful how you define welfare, not that I'm opposed to that use but for the vast majority of Americans its a slippery slope few want to enter. Crossing that line would even allow all UPSers to be defined as welfare queens.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]How Many Illegal Immigrants Are on Welfare?[/h]
[h=2]Answer[/h]It is estimated that almost twenty million illegal and undocumented immigrants are residing in the United States as of 2013. Studies suggest that almost three-fourths of those who are in the United States illegally are receiving benefits, including welfare. Many illegal immigrants are able to legally collect social benefits because they have children who were born in the US. As of 2012, over half of the illegal immigrants in the US are from the country of Mexico. Reference: mediamatters.org

Well would you look at that? What group is the second biggest recipient of welfare? And by only a percentage point. Shocking!:eek:


Strength through joy
Free $21,000 Eco-Cars, Compliments of the Taxpayer
Big Government has tried repeatedly to promote eco-friendly vehicles. It hasn’t helped that for the most part only posturing moonbats with more money than they know what to do with have any use for these overpriced, underpowered deathtraps. But there is one group other than Hollyweird actors willing to drive them — people so broke they will take whatever they can get. Of course, given how expensive the cars are, someone else has to be forced to pay for the them…

The California Air Resources Board is now embarking on a program that would help poor people buy energy-efficient vehicles. In one scenario posed by the agency, a “voucher” might even pay the full price for a Nissan Leaf, an electric car with an MSRP above $21,000, or for used cars with lower price tags.

The objective of handing out free $21,000 moonbatmobiles at taxpayer expense is not only to save the flourishing polar bears from the imaginary global warming menace, but to promote “transportation justice.” Yes, the Marxist bureauweenies behind the idea actually use that term.

The liberal looting spree won’t stop until America has been completely exsanguinated.


Avoid employment and you could have one for free.



Well-Known Member
Most teachers unions have no power at all.... republicans have made sure of that. The result is millions of teachers that are teaching to the test because if their students don't show gains they are at risk of losing their jobs.

Imagine 60% of your work evaluations are based on a kid bubbling in a Christmas tree on a scantron sheet. The other 40% is based on how much you kiss your principal's arse in the weeks leading up to the 40 minutes she spends sitting in the back of your classroom playing with her Ipad "evaluating" your teaching skills. This is the system unions were trying to fight against, while republican politicians were busy taking collective bargaining rights away from people who actually work for a living.


Wow. Holding teachers accountable for results.

Like Sanitary engineers that pick up garbage.
Like pilots that fly planes.
Like UPS drivers that deliver packages.
Like firemen that put out fires.

Like --are you starting to get the picture ???:likeit:


Inordinately Right

Wow. Holding teachers accountable for results.

Like Sanitary engineers that pick up garbage.
Like pilots that fly planes.
Like UPS drivers that deliver packages.
Like firemen that put out fires.

Like --are you starting to get the picture ???:likeit:
I'm all for accountability, the problem is that it's not accountability. It's arbitrary. The kids don't even have to try on the test, and the teachers can't make them. It's not factored into their grades, and it doesn't keep them from going on to the next grade.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for accountability, the problem is that it's not accountability. It's arbitrary. The kids don't even have to try on the test, and the teachers can't make them. It's not factored into their grades, and it doesn't keep them from going on to the next grade.
Not to mention schools that are located in high crime/poverty areas. Those teachers don't have the tools and training needed to teach. These schools are at a great disadvantage at creating a learning environment.