Yeah? Tell me about the 20SUVs at my building inside the fence that are being used by supervisors to deliver. That would have been unheard of 10 years ago. Was told by a package steward I saw the other morning the union knows, and it’s fine. And I’m in the 177, where nothing flys. We have one of the strongest locals.
Have you tried picking up the phone and calling your local to find out why it is fine?
This is what I do, not in a YOU PEOPLE NEED TO DO YOUR JOB!!! kind of way, but just in a curious I would like answers kind of way. I’d like to have a straight answer from them if we are currently fighting against this or the company is allowed to do this under article such and such because of X reason.
Keep in mind our stewards are family men that work this job and go out of their way to help other drivers, at least here they are. The people at the hall are handling this non sense all day and not having to worry about a full time driver position on top of it.