NOpe. TOnight i've got her in my arms. LUcky me. SHes right here next to me as i type this... Don't ask me how i pulled this off. I pray this wont be our last togetherKeep your hat on for me, I can't build sht, or maybe what I build is sht.
You got an Italian girl to replace the other girl?
NOpe. TOnight i've got her in my arms. LUcky me. SHes right here next to me as i type this... Don't ask me how i pulled this off. I pray this wont be our last together
I think I might have this CD. Looks familiar. Lol.I put a song like this up a couple years ago, might be the same one. @Operational needs replied she used to listen to the like. For you operational when you relax. Say hello to the mangos for me.
WOW!@Old Man Jingles
This is for you, I know you like the above, what do you think about this version. I like her hair as well but I'm asking about this version. You like good music.
Seminoles endure.
Well I’m happy to hear that, now I know at least I won’t die of a broken heart.Give her a kiss and say goodbye. You'll thank me in the future.
You won't do it, you sound too much like me.
Your life my friend, it was my life as well.
It doesn't end well, you better take all the gusto you can.
Have her play her favorite song, I'm curious.
Take care of yourself Misplaced.
Well I’m happy to hear that, now I know at least I won’t die of a broken heart.
OH God are you kidding? That song was my life back when I lost my high school sweetheart! Jeez the memories..., you may my friend, who knows? I hope the best for you, and if you hope she's the one, I hope the same for you both.
I loved this song in my younger years, still love it to this day. Maybe you'll like it as well.
The Audi still servicing you well?