What are you listening to? Part 6

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I've been a Paul Gilbert fan for years ... quirky and fantastic!
I first heard him when he and Yngwie Malmsteen played together at an event and really like him with Racer-X back in the 80's and then Mr Big with Billy Sheehan where he took off.
I had not kept up with him over the last 20 years until I saw him do a wacky interview with JHS pedals founder Josh Scott.
So I've been listening to him again.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

listen to this one way more than I should
If you are a John Prine fan, this will hit home with you.
John wrote this song when he was 24 ... too much wisdom for 24.
Brandi played it right after John Prine died.
I know my wife cried for a day and it took her a month to get past his death.
Lucky for me, it only took a week or so.
