I agree. Two methods that are just a waste of time and energy are beeping the horn at residential stops and shouting "Hello UPS!" on a resdential property. "Hello UPS!" at an office at lunch time is useful, however.
If a customer dosen't hear our 1984 ford or 1996 frieghtliner diesel engine screaming down their dead end street, then they are not going to hear our horn or the stupid "Hello UPS!"
Let's face facts, unless you are hearing impaired (no offense), our customers know the sounds of our trucks, and know exactly when we are approaching their property.
I also think its funny that their are two types of customers. One that hears the vehicle and comes out and greets you with a smile as you walk to the door and accepts the package. The other is the person that hides in their home until you leave the package and drive off. You know this type of customer exists because when you drive back up the street 5 minutes later the package is gone off their porch.
I guess there is a third type of customer. After your engine screams down their quiet street, backs into their driveway to turn around and leaves the package at the front door without ringing their doorbell, and as you walk back to your 10,000 decibel truck in their driveway they say "Hey next time do you think you could ring my (1 decibel) doorbell?"
Its this type of person that really irks me. They obviously know who and when we are at their house. Why do they want us to ring the bell also? Are these customers former UPS management in another life? LOL
When I first delivered to a house on the corner of a quiet resdential home (who gets crap everyday), I left the package and as I walked away, the guy comes out and says "Don't be shy, can you ring the bell?".
I replied, "Why, you obviously heard me pull up since you came out to get the package and your house is set 10 feet from the street at the most?" I caught him off-guard and he didn't know what to say so he said "Don't be a wise ass, just ring the bell". I just ring the bell now.
But normally I don't ring bells because it adds too much "customer contact" time to my numbers that are already going to be over allowed. You start ringing bells and lonely people want to talk your ear off and ask you stupid questions (Is it cold enuuugh for yaaa?). Not ringing bells can save you up to 20 minutes a day, LOL