Well-Known Member
Lol risk I started as a jumper making $2.50 an hour after you break down my time worked. I have risk tons that none of you would comprehend. nothing I have with FedEx was given. I now run 27 trucks and 7 big rigs. I started at 25 now 35 I have had plenty of ups and downs just like any other business owner. I understand I have a partnership with FedEx that I have to abide by the rules I signed up for just like any other franchises. Do I agree with everything they do hell no but most of theI would hesitate to call the world of the ISP contractor a luxury when you consider that the days of the company employed staffing agency temp will be gone. In the end the ISP will have to have spare trucks on site and extra manpower that can be called out on a whim to handle volume spikes.The supply of people willing to sit by the phone waiting for that call which may or may not come will be small. Peak season comes around and you will have to find on your own a battalion sized group of people and trucks who will work for you for what you have to offer and that may or may not high enough to get enough people to sign on. Now they may and then they may not do enough in a day to cover your expenses. And don't forget that X not you will decide if that person is qualified. Crozz I think Bounty is much more in touch with the risks and trappings not simply the rewards that are by no means certain.

Having driving stand by should be in your fleet if you want to go and be successful. I have a 5-1 ratio meaning 5 routes one coordinator. When peak comes I project how many routes and then I let guys get a taste of what it is to be a coordinator most fail and want nothing to to with it.
Lastly I wouldnt be where I am without the great guys and team that I have build from ground up. My guys believe in what I believe in and we strive to be the best. Show me a business that is growing faster than Fedex and that will be here for a long time to come?