BC what makes me happy?
1. Consistent BC posters that will not throw me under the bus for one post, or my direction / beliefs.
407th and I do not always see eye-to-eye on all areas of life and politics.
Yet he has my back, as some other posters on the forum.
Kudos to the hard, very hard jobs of the mods and Cheryl to sift out the allowed and
the post that crossed the line.
2. The freedom we have as Americans and BC registered members to have our differences, and freedom to speak
within reason (one can not shout fire in a movie theater) what we want, worship what we want.
If I worship and believe that pygmy ants in New Zealand are god, no one can stop me.
3. A like for my post. I do not live for it, but feels nice and "Happy" when I get few likes.
4. That I can POS rep older members, who have posted for years, and have VERY low reps point
scores, and that I do not always agree with them, but that they ARE UPSers, and deserve respect.
5. Freedom to post what I want, within reason, not violating the TOS, and no NEG Reps or hard blow back
from the lurkers, sharks, haters, spell check police, and grammer police.