What Makes You Miserable at Work?

What Makes You Miserable at Work?

  • Lack of challenge in my job.

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • My bad boss.

    Votes: 34 27.9%
  • Low pay.

    Votes: 11 9.0%
  • Few opportunities for promotion.

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • My negative coworkers.

    Votes: 28 23.0%
  • Boring work.

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • Other. Post your reason in the [URL="http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f64/what-makes-you-miserable-wor

    Votes: 31 25.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Well it is more about the SLACKERS I work with not my supervisors. I we could just Lose the slackers my days would be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Unreasonable dispatch.....I have acquired 40 to 50 more miles now that they have eliminated the "C" car in my loop. My stop count is 110 to 115 stops with 200 miles daily. I must run all the next airs for two routes and try to keep my business customers happy. I arrive to the heart of my route two to two and a half hours later than I used to. I have a customer who ships out most of what I deliver that day and his turn around time has been slashed by that same amount of time. Needless to say, he's not happy.

I find that I am mentally drained at the end of the day from all the time crunching and logistics spinning in my head. I pick up over thirty next day airs that have to be back to the building by 7:20 to make the air shuttle. Factor in the thirty minute drive back to the building and the recipe to succeed goes out the window....or should I say door. I just want "reasonable"...I am hoping 2012 brings it.
The harder you work the more they give you, then you fail and they act surprised.
My favorite... wanting you to work threw your lunch your required to take so you can be back in the building on time.

That makes me so mad, People seem to get away with going to the bathroom every 5 minutes, while someone else is busting their butt. Then as soon as the person that usually busts their butt slows down, management wants to get nasty. Seniority doesn't seem to be honored nearly as much as it used to be. Supervisors treat you like you are a child. Manager gets very irate and acts like you are faking excuses when you legitimately need to call off from work. Our building doesn't try to make us work through our required 10 min break, but a lot of my co-workers and I have noticed that they cut the 10 minute break short a lot of times.


the fact that we are lied to daily. we are being driven into the ground by unreasonable stop counts. it is way above the dispatch guy,he's just a puppet that is fed what numbers the ladder climbing guy wants to see. our sups are as disgusted as we are and tell us they know this is wrong. the guy at the very top all the way down to the local heads care nothing about you or your family,in fact they don't even want to know you have folks waiting for you yo get home at 9 every night. ceo to div and district don't even know what goes on in our centers. this is made self evident by the fact that they implement pet projects like orion without a clue that you cannot drive over a medium or lake to go where the idiot says go next. Jim Casey would fire the whole lot of them and replace them with people with hearts. GOD help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
AHHHHH 2010 Thread brought back up.

Makes me want to dance.




So many things. That's why I did myself and my family a favor and quit after 26 years, (3 years hourly, 23 in management). UPS has been on a downward spiral since stock went public. All UPS employees are now required to do whatever it takes to produce record profits to impress outside investors. This results in a level of pressure that forces genuinely good people, both hourly and management, to do things they wouldn't normally do. Best thing you can do is use the 10 second rule- wait 10 seconds before you reply to anything negative or upsetting you hear. I did it so much that everyone thought I was deaf. Anyway, let God guide you, and remember everyone there, both hourly and management) is human. As far as UPS, the company is a lost cause. They will never regain anyone's attitude, and the partnership culture is a distant memory. Either you distance yourself from the politics, or find fulfilling employment elsewhere, because the corporate office at UPS has completely lost any concept of running a successful, long-term business, and I'm afraid things will steadily get worse.