What Makes You Miserable at Work?

What Makes You Miserable at Work?

  • Lack of challenge in my job.

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • My bad boss.

    Votes: 34 27.9%
  • Low pay.

    Votes: 11 9.0%
  • Few opportunities for promotion.

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • My negative coworkers.

    Votes: 28 23.0%
  • Boring work.

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • Other. Post your reason in the [URL="http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f64/what-makes-you-miserable-wor

    Votes: 31 25.4%

  • Total voters


Retired 23 years
It's the pansy ass drivers and the "computers" that think 301 big ass boxes can fit on a very small truck. And then the drive wants to blame the loader cuz it's stacked to the ceiling. Where the hell else are they suppose to go, Oh wait I did tell Management that they wouldn't fit ALL day long but noooooo just stuff them in there , Whatever!!!! That's what bothers me...

Are the drivers actually telling you to stuff it all in? I know when we were running late and they sent the preload home most drivers could make their trucks look full with half the packages.:happy2:


Well-Known Member
Are the drivers actually telling you to stuff it all in? I know when we were running late and they sent the preload home most drivers could make their trucks look full with half the packages.:happy2:

No they are not, Management is. But then the driver got pissed at me cuz he said I put his bulk stop out of order. It was one stop that had 31 huge boxes 4171 hin number I HAD to put in last in center of truck. Really there was know where else for them to go and plus they came down late in the day... It just upset me the way the driver acted towards me. BUT we could have avoided all this if the M would have listened to me. They ended up making the M run to the street to get another driver about to leave to put some on his truck....


Well-Known Member
Upstate I have to agree, we had a building manager who spoke
us like we were three years old, we would turn or backs on him
when he spoke.


Well-Known Member
When packages come down the belt unsorted, unsplit, and with no rhyme or reason and supervisors give me crap about stacking out. Then, when I do put them in the truck, they give me crap about why it isn't cleaner. Then, the FT supervisor rolls up and gives me more crap about how much better he could do it (never seen him lift anything heavier then a cup of coffee, but that's besides the point). Then, the drivers come in, look at the truck, and ask me why I couldn't do a better job.


Well-Known Member
I can relate to what most of you are saying. At some point, I've had these exact same feelings and the mental part of this job is the number one thing to overcome. Our families rely on us to provide the housing, food, education and health benefits they need and when everything is taken to account, one can focus better on the task at hand.
Let me add to this list. When preload management refuses to start earlier knowing that additional trailers will arrive the next day.


Well-Known Member
I work beside some folks who whine all day long. We sort smalls, for God's sake, one of the easiest jobs in the building! Yes, we get lots of smalls and have to toss and stack those slippery forever bags but it's not impossible. Beats the heck out of preload or the regular sort where we have to lift heavies above our heads.

Some of these folks are young, strong men who shouldn't be having a problem with the smalls. They just bug the heck out of me and it's hard to keep from calling them weeners when they complain so much.


Well-Known Member
Dispatch, dispatch, dispatch. Especially in the winter. And why is it when UPS wants to save money, they always cut drivers or preloaders? Our building runs 27 drivers a day (needs 30) but has 15 management/clerical people. 1 sup for every 2 drivers??? This when they have the most sophistocated computerized loading/planning system in the world! How many people do they need tippy tapping on computers anyway? And what does any of that really do for the customer? 95 % of their problems would disappear if they just put enough people on the road to really do the job right.


New Member
the thing that gets me most upset are the drivers that act like they are the king of the world and all the pre loaders and just dirt. i feel bad for drivers that have a truck thats filled from front to back, bottom to top but they shouldnt take it out on me. its not my fault theres more packages than space. i cant stand the drivers that dont understand that 150 packages cant fit on one shelf and look confused as ever because one package is out of order. another thing that drives me crazy is when a superviser comes and takes our splitter away and leaves me and the guy on the other side of the belt to split the belt along with loading our trucks. last but not least miss sorts. a couple times i had to split the belt and there were more miss sorts than packages that belong on that belt. i dont mind a couple but when its every other package it gets very annoying.
The thing that bugs me is that we lost sight that the customer should be the primary concern. Give them the service they pay for, and now a days its a lot. With UPS breaking up routes and adding it to another routes, commercial customers dont get their deliveries early anymore. And with no room for error some customers have to wait for pick ups past their closing time. Is that the service they deserve? How much would you put up with before you start looking for another carrier to give you the service you pay for. In the fortune 500 most reliable companies, FEDEX came in eight, and UPS in the low fourties. How much longer before we all have no jobs?
You wont understand intill you become a driver, if thats what you decide to do. In my seventeen years as a package driver, I only had three really excellent loaders. A perfect load makes a big difference on how your day goes. Just do your best thats all that matters.

old levi's

blank space
the thing that gets me most upset are the drivers that act like they are the king of the world and all the pre loaders and just dirt. i feel bad for drivers that have a truck thats filled from front to back, bottom to top but they shouldnt take it out on me. its not my fault theres more packages than space. i cant stand the drivers that dont understand that 150 packages cant fit on one shelf and look confused as ever because one package is out of order. another thing that drives me crazy is when a superviser comes and takes our splitter away and leaves me and the guy on the other side of the belt to split the belt along with loading our trucks. last but not least miss sorts. a couple times i had to split the belt and there were more miss sorts than packages that belong on that belt. i dont mind a couple but when its every other package it gets very annoying.

I have a great deal of empathy for the plight of the the pre-loaders. I always thank them for their efforts, compliment them for good loads, and also try to offer positive advice when I believe it will help. I was a pre-loader for 13 years before driving.