I'm going by your actions. I wouldn't (and haven't) stuck around when I felt that I wasn't compensated fairly. For all of your complaining about how you're worth more than you're being paid, why haven't you gone to another employer who will pay you what you think you're worth?
I, and many others, made career decisions based on promises that FedEx would always remain a superior place to work.Every single one of those promises have been broken. Once you hit your mid 40's, you aren't nearly as employable as a younger person, or did you know that? If I'd know about all the takeaways in advance, I never would have stayed, and neither would most of the other long-term employees at Express.
I've got mine, in the sense that both my wage and pension are topped-out, but most people don't, and that's what really bothers me.It disgusts me to see hard-working employees get jacked-around every single day, with no options other than quitting. FedEx is a dishonest, unethical employer. Your presence here confirms that because they aren't truthful enough to defend themselves in plain English. Instead, FedEx trots out folks who intentionally try and turn the conversation to what's good about FedEx, which isn't much.