What would a typical day/work-week look like for combo driver (22.4)?


Well-Known Member
Our local is pushing a yes vote hard i may be reaching out to several long time BC members for assistance in my research ill be posting later last break over back at it
What local what part of country you in I'm in 705 cach the inmates run the asylum here. Although they will be pushing a yes vote probably like last time

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
By the way all my gusses on what management woild do to a 22.4 are based on the rotatioing 22.3s ive witnessed they wrote the bid broadly so they can mess with gugys who get out of line. If they like you or your at the low end of the pay for your drive portion of the day you get plenty of $. However once you reach top scale for your drive time (air) if you piss off management. They cut your air hours from 5 to 2 and put your start time so you only work 6 hrs. Then they code 5 you or you get scutt work.for the last 2.


Well-Known Member
22.3 get 30.64 now and will be at 34.79 at end of contract so that is the same rate as the 22.4 driver rate so what would be pay rate for a 22.4 for his load half at top scale .


Well-Known Member
There are many 22.3 at my building they are supposed to load for 4 hours and they shift at a higher rate for 4 hours. I think it's the same as feeder and 30.64 on the load half. And the holiday pay is a blended rate.


Well-Known Member
Can we file something with the nlrb to get our wages I heard of a company before give the raise while everything else is negotiated. I know 4.15 over 5 years barely keeps up with inflation. We just don't want the retro check to work against us. Again vote no and buy a vote no shirt or 1000

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
Look UPS can achive the same thing as a 22.4 with regular drivers.
Screw it.. combine 2 proposal's. Have 22.4 work inside then deliver over 70's.
Look UPS can achieve the same thing without a 22.4 idea.
Rocds Mon - Fri. And Wed - Sunday that gives them 7 days a week. And double coverage during peak and other times Wed, Thurs, Friday.

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
By having 22.4s and writing the language as broadly as possible they have been able to achive a way to punish those who they choose to without outright harrassment, the time and trouble of grivences, arbitration, etc... that is if they treat them they way ive seen 22.3s treated

Frankie's Friend

Can we file something with the nlrb to get our wages I heard of a company before give the raise while everything else is negotiated. I know 4.15 over 5 years barely keeps up with inflation. We just don't want the retro check to work against us. Again vote no and buy a vote no shirt or 1000
Before i came to ups I got a nickel raise every year whether I needed it or not from the factory job I had.

Most PC drivers in our area already make an average of $1800/wk plus benefits.

The part timers need a better bump in pay plus healthcare in minimum 6 months and/or preferably 90 days.

Let's fight for those upsers (and their families) of the future.
Before i came to ups I got a nickel raise every year whether I needed it or not from the factory job I had.

Most PC drivers in our area already make an average of $1800/wk plus benefits.

The part timers need a better bump in pay plus healthcare in minimum 6 months and/or preferably 90 days.

Let's fight for those upsers (and their families) of the future.
Many full time jobs and most part time jobs don't offer health-care, especially healthcare that you don't have to pay for . One of the reasons they you don't get health care right of the bat was people would get hired, use the benefits and quit.

john chesney

Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get a feel for how a combo driver's day will go?
While I'm sure it will vary from center to center and weekdays vs weekends.....
What we do know:

-CD is guaranteed 5 consecutive days.
-CD is guaranteed 8 hours per day....with 90 minute unpaid break in the middle.

Could a combo driver come in say 7:30am to deliver EAM, then deliver NDA, then shuttle some incomps out to RPCD. (This could help cut the payroll by eliminating the need for air drivers.) Then take a 90 minute unpaid lunch 'til around 1pm.
Then shuttle some misloads. Then help with heavy bulk pick ups. Get back to the center around 6pm.

On Saturday...or even Sunday, the CD could go out with say 225-250 residential deliveries. This could than eliminate the need for certain routes on Mondays, so RPCD could have an extra long weekend with no pay.
It will look like anything the management will want it to look like

Frankie's Friend

Many full time jobs and most part time jobs don't offer health-care, especially healthcare that you don't have to pay for . One of the reasons they you don't get health care right of the bat was people would get hired, use the benefits and quit.
I got that.
But as it is here....

They quit anyway because the compensation doesnt equal the effort to stay in this job.

Extended centers are a little bit different than the hubs but $10/hr here is worth more than it is in the larger cities.

Heck many folks just work here for the healthcare.

Put a year wait on it and when the general public gets a taste of what this job entails without healthcare they say Screw It and bail out.

I forgot...
I got that.
But as it is here....

They quit anyway because the compensation doesnt equal the effort to stay in this job.

Extended centers are a little bit different than the hubs but $10/hr here is worth more than it is in the larger cities.

Heck many folks just work here for the healthcare.

Put a year wait on it and when the general public gets a taste of what this job entails without healthcare they say Screw It and bail out.

I forgot...
The benefits are worth far more than what they ate making an hour.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
They're going to wake up at 3am for preload, work for 4-5 hours, have a gap of .5-1.5 hours then deliver airs, bulk, cleanup, and help until their done with you. Twilight will be different.

I don’t understand why many folks are envisioning a 22.4’s typical day as preload + just enough driving work to make their 8 hour guarantee.

These folks are gonna get hammered. It’s why they’re not being given Article 37 protections.
I don’t understand why many folks are envisioning a 22.4’s typical day as preload + just enough driving work to make their 8 hour guarantee.

These folks are gonna get hammered. It’s why they’re not being given Article 37 protections.
That plus they will use them to eliminate AM and PM air drivers. They are looking at more than the hourly wage, they are looking at benefits they they pay to all part time employees.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
That plus they will use them to eliminate AM and PM air drivers. They are looking at more than the hourly wage, they are looking at benefits they they pay to all part time employees.

I think PM air bid elimination would make sense. Hands down the easiest, most low pressure job I’ve ever done by far. Could understand why the Company wouldn’t want to pay additional pension/benefits for it.

22.4 AM runs would make sense too as long as the driver could be pulled off the sort early to run EAMs like an exception air driver might be now.