All I hear is bad things about this contrac yet reading it I don't see all these so called givebacks? Lets see we still get a avarge of .75 raise, great insurance and pension with no preimiums, early retirement ages, 20,000 full time jobs.
It you don't like the 9.5 language just sign the 9.5 list, some people like the overtime and some do not, so if you don't want it, sign the list.
Remember UPS is not goverment welfare program,
I had to respond to you on this one.. I cant believe that you are a real UPS employee.
you wrote: "All I hear is bad things about this contrac yet reading it I don't see all these so called givebacks?"
Are you serious?? Do you really understand contractual obligations?
Now, I have taken alot of heat for coming after those who "I" believe are on this board only for starting trouble, but with this one, I think you brought up a subject that needs attention.
First, lets address the initial motivation of your question. Givebacks.
On August 1 2002 we started a new contract that was negotiated to end on July 31 2008.
All employees were ENTITLED to this contractual language for the duration of the 6 years, however, with this contract, the Teamters have agreed to GIVEBACK 8 MONTHS of the previous contract. This is the BIGGEST giveback of them all.
The question for YOU is to figure out how this affects THOUSANDS of employees.
With the "new" agreement begining on January 1 2008, ALL NEW employees will lose first year benefits that "they" would have been otherwise entitled to until July 31, 2008.
Think about what this means to the "new" employees. This is huge!
I am not sure if you really understand the ramifications of this giveback. Losing 8 months of our current contract will affect ALL new employees promoted to DRIVER by extending their probations to 60 days and extending their progressions to full pay to 36 months.
Current employees have the right to enforce negotiated language until July 31, 2008 and the Teamster Brass had no right & no authorization from its member/employers to give this back.
I hope you see just what a give back is and does for our brothers and sisters. Expand your perceptions beyond the sups that you seem to be in love with.