What's the best part about working for UPS and the worst part about working for UPS?


Well-Known Member
Best: no boredom which makes the workday go by fast.

Worst: the evening being at leaat half over when you get home, making regular life activities outside of UPS difficult


Well-Known Member
Best: Having a management team that really thinks every decision through, putting the drivers in the best position to do our job successfully.

Worst: DOT not letting us work 7 days a week


Well-Known Member
Be glad you're not driving with them old high steppers with no power steering
We had one of those ancient trucks at our center for a while. It was parked blocking a gate one day so I had to move it. I drove it a couple hundred feet and my god, I don’t know how you old timers drove those clunkers every day.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We had one of those ancient trucks at our center for a while. It was parked blocking a gate one day so I had to move it. I drove it a couple hundred feet and my god, I don’t know how you old timers drove those clunkers every day.
You had to be a man to drive one. LOL


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
best..when I started maximum weight was 50 ills....very very little bulk/irregulars.......worse was when the max weight was 150 and the bulk volume increases eradically with dumb suggestions as to handle it...