Active Member
Greetings Brothers, I am pretty new here and started working for UPS since last peak. I know I don't have much experience yet but just from what I see in my building, the Union doesn't really bother to reach out to new members who have just received seniority. I basically had to research online which local I belonged to and then I had to look for the contract myself so that I can read over it and know my rights as a teamster. If the Union wants to stay strong, then someone should reach out to the new guys. I basically had to hunt down my shop steward to get to know him. I don't know how it works with other locals, but I figured that someone should at least reach out to those who are about to reach seniority and go over the contract with them. I mean, just last week, I was helping out another area and all the freaking supervisors were working our jobs without anyone saying a word. Management sends people home to try to do more with less and then they have supervisors doing Union jobs when people wanted to work. Needless to say, I will file my first grievance, but I just thought that everyone in my hub should be on the same page or else management will keep taking advantage. Please, if there are any shop stewards here, be a leader, reach out, and educate the new guys!