I believe that the pension calculator on UPSer.com only applies for those under the IBT/UPS pension fund. I scanned the Central Pa articles 65 and 67, It appears that the part time service years are covered under the UPS Pension Plan, a defined benefit plan controlled by the company. The years of service monetary benefits are listed under Article 34 (Master), that is a totally separate pension plan than your full time years. When you selected to retire they will add those part time years to your full time service to provide a total monetary benefit once you become eligible.
Darthups@ has 10 years part time and therefore eligible for 1/3 of what a 30 year part time pension benefit according to when he leaves and become full time, there is a 6 % penalty for every year prior to age 65 under that plan, so if he retires at age 57 he will have to subtract 48 % from roughly 400 dollars..about 250 a month from just those part time years.
Apparently the Central Pa full time pension plan is a monetary contribution plan that required the company to provide a little over 2000 a month for any full time union employee, that is a lot of money and if things work out in a perfect world ... It should provide a good benefit for those just starting into that plan. Something happened back in l987 with pension benefits, I do not know the details?
Also with your Health and Welfare... the part timers in the Central Pa are covered under "TeamCare" and the full timers are under a Union Controlled H/W plan..I could not find any language about retiree's H/W benefits under the supplement. I am under "TeamCare" in the Central and we do have retiree H/W benefits prior to reaching age 65, that is a major issue when one thinks about taking the plunge..I believe that COBRA benefits for the same amount of coverage could add up to over 2,000 a month for an individual, let alone any spouse or dependents.
It has always been a sore spot with me on just how many Pension and Health and Welfare plans our members are under and the discrepancy of monetary and coverage benefits in each one, it should not be that confusing. For example the Western Conferences plans pay almost twice as much for the same amount of service years as those under the Central with it's IBT/UPS plan and those part time years are counted with their full time years to provide a superior monetary benefit with an early pension option.
The bottom line is most of our members are really in the dark to what we are eligible for, hence the constant same questions appear over and over again on B/C.