When does this all end


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
When does this all end, First shooting in school, then shooting in mall then movies now little children in elementry school..
I usually don't comment on politics, But this is crazy..

Yesterday, when I heard what happend, brought tears to my..

Something has to be done.. But like I said what can be done, any ideas?

It's called millions of years of evolution. It's called nature. It's called we r a species that no longer has survival of the fittest. The weak in our species live much longer than they use to. Weather that be physically or mentally weak. The "wild" west was only a few generations ago. We are hard wired and have evolved with violence part of everyday life. I see no problem it really sucks and I hope I'm never a part of it but its not stopping anytime soon. Oh and I don't even remotely see this as politics although many ppl will call for gun control.


Age quod agis
It does seem like they are cheating the hangman but it sure beats having the public pay for months and months of trials and if covicted years and years of being locked up with one appeal after another. I only wish he would have died a slow agonizing death that took about a week.

I will admit that I was upset when I learned he took the easy way out.
I was thinking about slowly feeding him into a wood chopper.


Inordinately Right
This should be a conversation about how to prevent mental illness from being left untreated and unchecked. He had his brother's ID on him at the shooting and when police went to the address listed on the ID his brother was there alive and well, and said his brother has a history of mental illness.

A former friend who knew him in high school said he was "probably a genius".

I hate to say too much before the details about him are revealed, but since he apparently stole the guns from his mother after he killed her, stricter gun laws wouldn't have prevented this from happening.


Well-Known Member
ABC reported that the mother's landscaper said she had purchased and practiced with the weapons for home defense fearing chaos in the streets after the economy collapsed. In this case I suspect that the mental illness was genetic.

Maybe a ban on talk radio?


Well-Known Member
I hate to say too much before the details about him are revealed, but since he apparently stole the guns from his mother after he killed her, stricter gun laws wouldn't have prevented this from happening.

The mother purchased and registered the guns following all of the applicable laws. Short of each town having a central armory where residents would be required to store and sign out there guns, how would stricter guns laws have prevented the shooter from killing his mother and walking out the door with her guns?

When we were growing up my father kept a .22 in the house. It was legally purchased and registered. It was later used in a domestic dispute which forever changed my family. Stricter gun laws would not have prevented that tragedy.


bella amicizia
The mother purchased and registered the guns following all of the applicable laws. Short of each town having a central armory where residents would be required to store and sign out there guns, how would stricter guns laws have prevented the shooter from killing his mother and walking out the door with her guns?

When we were growing up my father kept a .22 in the house. It was legally purchased and registered. It was later used in a domestic dispute which forever changed my family. Stricter gun laws would not have prevented that tragedy.
Wow. Sorry to hear that, Upstate.

want to retire

Although I'm a little surprised no gun ban talk has surfaced, this is a very small(very small sliver) sampling of society......we did have a left-field talk radio reference. OK. Total disclosure: I own guns....lots. A little perspective: Just for easy numbers.....we have 300 million people in the US.....a few thousand murders/ felonies, serious crimes and a couple(literally) insane mass murderers. These mass murderers use fertilizer, airplanes and yes guns to commit these unspeakable tragedies. They know no bounds of sanity. Know no limits of their victims- innocent, defenseless. They are out there. What to do? We could ban guns......and deprive innocent, law abiding citizens their rights to the tune of hundreds of millions. So that only the police and these criminals are armed. Do we ban airplanes and fertilizer? How about box cutters? My wife works in the library at the middle school(public). You can walk in Monday morning and have complete access to the entire school....unchallenged. I would bet this is so in CT. While I don't want our schools to resemble prisons, where was the security? Would it have prevented the tragedy? It would at least slowed him down or so. It is truly unknown. I would think a serious investigation of the negligence of the school district is in order....at the very least. I do not expect the debate on this tragedy to remain level or civil. I do expect the liberal-left to grab all they can towards gun control. Hopefully a Republican controlled House will tamp this down. That's it for the politics.

My heart goes out to the children and parents of all the victims of this insane tragedy.


Age quod agis
As more descriptions of the shooter are released, I am starting to recognize Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) as the unmentioned psychological reason for the shooting.

This boy was not a sociopath; the sociopath would not have committed suicide.

want to retire

As more descriptions of the shooter are released, I am starting to recognize Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) as the unmentioned psychological reason for the shooting.

This boy was not a sociopath; the sociopath would not have committed suicide.

With all respect.......he was insane, a coward of the most severe. The murderer of innocents.


Age quod agis
As more descriptions of the shooter are released, I am starting to recognize Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) as the unmentioned psychological reason for the shooting.

This boy was not a sociopath; the sociopath would not have committed suicide.

I am trained in RAD because my husband's brother adopted two children from the Ukraine and one child was diagnosed with RAD 6 years ago.
The child doesn't feel any emotion and the family locks bedroom doors at night because they are afraid of this child.


Been around the block a few times
[h=5]Consider this.
Many years ago issues were settle much differently....usually with our fists. An occasional knife might have been used but hardly ever. Guns rarely....if ever. However that was then and this is the now.
Now...we have a society that is filled with violence. Violence on TV. Violence in video games. Violence in the news. We AND our children are bombarded on every side and from every source with acts of violence or scenes of acts of violence. These seeds of depravity are planted in each of us when we are but at a young age. It is not the world that shapes us. It is what we allow ourselves to experience in this world that shapes us. But we have to cope somehow with what we see and hear. Most of us choose not to see and hear but this has a worse side affect. It desensitizes us to the violence. And when we choose not to see the violence in the world we have lost sight of the line between reality and fantasy.
The worst offender is the video games.
Don't tell me that those shoot 'em up games don't damage a young child's psyche.
Don't tell me that the mindless carnage and shooting rampages portrayed in these video games do not damage a mind. Surely these types of games influence a mind that is teetering on that line between sanity and insanity and how they process and deal with stress.
To function within the constraints of normal society we owe private and social duties one person to another, or to a community. When something snaps and that unstable person slips into insanity they deviate from the ordinary standards of honesty, good morals, justice, or ethics as to be shocking to the moral sense of the society. Horrible crimes are committed against society.
We all wonder why. I think we all know why we just don't want to acknowledge it. The reasons may not be simple and they may be different for different people. But one thing is for sure...... it is not the fault of the gun.
[/h] Furthermore....there are those that would say we have always had violence in our society. Think of the westerns that we used to watch when we were younger. The westerns of yesteryear. How much blood and guts did you see in those westerns. It used to be none. You would see gunsmoke and a man would grab at his chest and the passive viewer was left to his imagination. Then they progressed to a little fake blood to indicate a bullet hole. In our quest for reality in the fantasy of movies now Hollywood leaves nothing to the imagination of the passive viewer. If you want blood and guts you will get much more that what it necessary for entertainment.
Notice that I said passive viewer. When watching a movie you have no control over the actions of the characters involved in the movie. You take the action as you get it.
That is not the case with video games. The gamer can do anything in that game he wants to. He controls the action. If he grows tired of killing zombies...perhaps he will hunt the living characters in the game. Just for a change of pace. There is no passive in gaming. The gamer controls the outcome. Again....because of the demands of the gaming society the relative innocence of video games of yesteryear are infantile when compared to the complexity and graphic nature of games today.

want to retire

As more descriptions of the shooter are released, I am starting to recognize Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) as the unmentioned psychological reason for the shooting.

This boy was not a sociopath; the sociopath would not have committed suicide.

I am trained in RAD because my husband's brother adopted two children from the Ukraine and one child was diagnosed with RAD 6 years ago.
The child doesn't feel any emotion and the family locks bedroom doors at night because they are afraid of this child.

My Brother adopted a young boy(6 months) from one of the Stans(Uzbek)(one of the former Soviet places)(whatever). He has never been "right". Strange anti-social behavior from the beginning. Been in youth prison twice already for arson. My Brother recently kicked him out of the house. It's been a long, painful dysfunctional journey. I expect it to end in tragedy. I believe institutionalization for these folks are best for them and society.

want to retire

Consider this.
Many years ago issues were settle much differently....usually with our fists. An occasional knife might have been used but hardly ever. Guns rarely....if ever. However that was then and this is the now.
Now...we have a society that is filled with violence. Violence on TV. Violence in video games. Violence in the news. We AND our children are bombarded on every side and from every source with acts of violence or scenes of acts of violence. These seeds of depravity are planted in each of us when we are but at a young age. It is not the world that shapes us. It is what we allow ourselves to experience in this world that shapes us. But we have to cope somehow with what we see and hear. Most of us choose not to see and hear but this has a worse side affect. It desensitizes us to the violence. And when we choose not to see the violence in the world we have lost sight of the line between reality and fantasy.
The worst offender is the video games.
Don't tell me that those shoot 'em up games don't damage a young child's psyche.
Don't tell me that the mindless carnage and shooting rampages portrayed in these video games do not damage a mind. Surely these types of games influence a mind that is teetering on that line between sanity and insanity and how they process and deal with stress.
To function within the constraints of normal society we owe private and social duties one person to another, or to a community. When something snaps and that unstable person slips into insanity they deviate from the ordinary standards of honesty, good morals, justice, or ethics as to be shocking to the moral sense of the society. Horrible crimes are committed against society.
We all wonder why. I think we all know why we just don't want to acknowledge it. The reasons may not be simple and they may be different for different people. But one thing is for sure...... it is not the fault of the gun.

Furthermore....there are those that would say we have always had violence in our society. Think of the westerns that we used to watch when we were younger. The westerns of yesteryear. How much blood and guts did you see in those westerns. It used to be none. You would see gunsmoke and a man would grab at his chest and the passive viewer was left to his imagination. Then they progressed to a little fake blood to indicate a bullet hole. In our quest for reality in the fantasy of movies now Hollywood leaves nothing to the imagination of the passive viewer. If you want blood and guts you will get much more that what it necessary for entertainment.
Notice that I said passive viewer. When watching a movie you have no control over the actions of the characters involved in the movie. You take the action as you get it.
That is not the case with video games. The gamer can do anything in that game he wants to. He controls the action. If he grows tired of killing zombies...perhaps he will hunt the living characters in the game. Just for a change of pace. There is no passive in gaming. The gamer controls the outcome. Again....because of the demands of the gaming society the relative innocence of video games of yesteryear are infantile when compared to the complexity and graphic nature of games today.

Fists and the occasional knife? With all respect, that's not the history I was taught. Before guns, it was lance's, knives, clubs, axe's on and on. Rock's before that. Trying to lay the blame of this tragedy at the base of video games is far off the mark(in my opinion). The man was insane. Like the 9/11 terrorists, Federal Building and on and on. I just can't see how a bunch of Muslums setting around talking mass murder through jihad has anything to do with video games. Or whatever insanity clouded world this killer of children lived in. Nuts is nuts. The world is a violent place. Literally. It was formed with extreme violence. By it's very nature(animals included), it is a violent struggle for survival....life and death stuff. We as sentinent beings, and of upper level thinking, try to eliminate the struggle, pain and suffering of this reality. Intangibles(insane rogue people)are the wild cards.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The mother purchased and registered the guns following all of the applicable laws. Short of each town having a central armory where residents would be required to store and sign out there guns, how would stricter guns laws have prevented the shooter from killing his mother and walking out the door with her guns?

When we were growing up my father kept a .22 in the house. It was legally purchased and registered. It was later used in a domestic dispute which forever changed my family. Stricter gun laws would not have prevented that tragedy.

Please don't give them any ideas.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Fists and the occasional knife? With all respect, that's not the history I was taught. Before guns, it was lance's, knives, clubs, axe's on and on. Rock's before that. Trying to lay the blame of this tragedy at the base of video games is far off the mark(in my opinion). The man was insane. Like the 9/11 terrorists, Federal Building and on and on. I just can't see how a bunch of Muslums setting around talking mass murder through jihad has anything to do with video games. Or whatever insanity clouded world this killer of children lived in. Nuts is nuts. The world is a violent place. Literally. It was formed with extreme violence. By it's very nature(animals included), it is a violent struggle for survival....life and death stuff. We as sentinent beings, and of upper level thinking, try to eliminate the struggle, pain and suffering of this reality. Intangibles(insane rogue people)are the wild cards.

Exactly gman chose a 30 year period after 2 world wars that maybe violence wasn't around everyday. That can't undo millions of years of violence. People need to quit blaming video games. First it's bad parenting. Second these video games don't affect a normal mind they will affect a weak mind. I don't know what to do about it but let's be realistic there are more abnormal people that are allowed to be a part of normal society than ever before.

serenity now

"we are broken as a people, the world is broken, and all of this brokenness goes far deeper than this single horrific event...."

serenity now

in church today, during the formal prayers, the name and age of each one of the victims was read aloud

the reader seemed to go on forever................

at one point i wanted to stand up and scream out - stop, please just stop