When does this all end


want to retire

in church today, during the formal prayers, the name and age of each one of the victims was read aloud

the reader seemed to go on forever................

at one point i wanted to stand up and scream out - stop, please just stop

I respectfully disagree. Never forget. Fight the insanity.


Age quod agis
My Brother adopted a young boy(6 months) from one of the Stans(Uzbek)(one of the former Soviet places)(whatever). He has never been "right". Strange anti-social behavior from the beginning. Been in youth prison twice already for arson. My Brother recently kicked him out of the house. It's been a long, painful dysfunctional journey. I expect it to end in tragedy. I believe institutionalization for these folks are best for them and society.

My sister-in-law came home with two children. The girl, they felt sorry for and adopted her because she was blind. She is doing well and loves MLB.
The boy, the child with RAD, she is trying to fix. I see tragedy and I also believe institutionalization is the answer for this child before he kills or rapes his adopted sister.

I see it happening and in context to this tragedy, I am done with the pain and the picture is clearing for me.
The mother tried to fix her son; evidence by the removal from public schooling at 10th grade.
I think the gun was to protect her from him.

The child shot her in her face. That is extreme disturbance.
Going to the school she worked was also an act to destroy what she loved.


Age quod agis
in church today, during the formal prayers, the name and age of each one of the victims was read aloud

the reader seemed to go on forever................

at one point i wanted to stand up and scream out - stop, please just stop

I can understand this feeling.
What stopped you from shouting?
Could it be empathy?
This is normal, empathy.

You don't know the history of every person in the church.
You could be praying, unknown to you, with someone that lost a loved one to a violent crime.


Age quod agis
Exactly gman chose a 30 year period after 2 world wars that maybe violence wasn't around everyday. That can't undo millions of years of violence. People need to quit blaming video games. First it's bad parenting. Second these video games don't affect a normal mind they will affect a weak mind. I don't know what to do about it but let's be realistic there are more abnormal people that are allowed to be a part of normal society than ever before.

Video games...maybe for desensitizing people and feeding the need for instant gratification.
Bad parenting...yes and no. Their are those with "bad" parents that grew up and "made" good choices.
Weak mind...what causes a weak mind? Nature or nurture.

I see only one good thing from this horrific event.
We, as a people, feel empathy and We, as a community of mankind, use this as an opportunity to share emotion and become introspective.

I know, I would be like the teacher and give up my life, knowingly, to save the lives of others.


Well-Known Member
The economy and the death of the American Dream is also playing a part in this whole mess. There are millions of young people in their 20s and 30s with huge debt who are in the lost generation and will never recover from the massive outsourcing of America. The emotional and economic damage is going to surface more and more from some of these young people who feel no hope for the future.

So they are going to behave like Americas middle child. America is a troubled family. The Occupy Wallstreet movement was just a small warning sign of whats to come.

Think about it. Just 20 years ago in America you could go to college and then find a job that payed a living wage. Move out of your parents house and become a productive member of society.
Those days are gone for millions of young people.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The economy and the death of the American Dream is also playing a part in this whole mess. There are millions of young people in their 20s and 30s with huge debt who are in the lost generation and will never recover from the massive outsourcing of America. The emotional and economic damage is going to surface more and more from some of these young people who feel no hope for the future.

So they are going to behave like Americas middle child. America is a troubled family. The Occupy Wallstreet movement was just a small warning sign of whats to come.

Think about it. Just 20 years ago in America you could go to college and then find a job that payed a living wage. Move out of your parents house and become a productive member of society.
Those days are gone for millions of young people.

Unfortunately, this is true, but to understand your point, you have to offer the political end to those points and who's to blame for that.

Yes, its gonna be another republican rant.

Starting with Reagan attempting to kill unions by allowing companies to outsource, followed by the signing of NAFTA by GH BUSH, the direction of this country was doomed to be in this situation.

People on this very board DEFEND profits over people, saying that the "bottom line" for the shareholders was more important than keeping americans working.

Maybe now, people can understand that OUTSOURCING jobs creates monsters in this country. Outsourcing places all americans at risk as the jobs that remain are being taken by illegals who the businesses want working for them for low wages.

The middle class has been under attack starting with reagan, bush & bush, and yet , there are still people willing to call themselves republicans.

Our society is struggling because not enough of us are standing up to corporate america and to the politicians who protect them. Yes, our college kids cant find good jobs anymore, but who in washington cares on the republican side?

What was the LAST piece of legislation passed by any REPUBLICAN that helped an american worker?

Lets examine what they have tried.... McCain & collegues tried to eliminate the federal minimum wage, they tried to overturn the Fair Labor Standard act of 1939 which established overtime, 40 hours a week fulltime, weekends off, holiday pay, vacation pay and pension contributions.

We know they dont want people to have health care. Sure, they want people to buy it for themselves, but they dont want to make it affordable. Instead, its about making it more expensive.

They dont want kids to take pelgrants or loans for school without those loans being so costly nobody would take one out.

We have decayed along way since reagan got the ball rolling.

As long as companies like Walmart are allowed to import everything from china, we will never recover. Its unfair competition for a small business to purchase goods from american companies in the states and compete with Walmart whos entire inventory comes from China or mexico.

As the republicans war on workers continues through legislation for right to work, our situation will continue to get worse.




Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. I, sober and others here are having that discussion. Now. All youbdeficit hawks, get out the checkbook. Mental health facilities have been getting the shaft in this country for decades.

I stand corrected. I guess I missed the post where you said something along these lines.

But this is way deeper than that. Our culture, not our “gun culture”, but the actual culture, is FUBAR’ed. That’s the *REAL* conversation that needs to happen, and it won’t. Obama will employ violence as a means and drone bomb to death this many kids in Pakistan or Yemen next week. More soldiers kill themselves than die in combat. Mental health treatment is difficult and expensive to access, and usually consists of passing out prescriptions for powerful, mind-altering drugs which, ironically, happens to be a common denominator for all of these mass shootings: the shooters were all taking psychotropic pharmaceuticals. Even Michael Moore has drawn that conclusion. Everyone is more connected now than ever, but there’s no community anywhere. People know more about strangers on the internet or TV actors than their own neighbors. Those are the real issues, not gun control. However, there is no political solution for deep-seated spiritual and social problems.........

And therein lies the mental disconnect. The only thing the recent presidential election tells me is that 117 million Americans have not rejected violence as a means, no matter what they claim personally, as both mainstream candidates openly admitted their willingness to use violence.

want to retire

Unfortunately, this is true, but to understand your point, you have to offer the political end to those points and who's to blame for that.

Yes, its gonna be another republican rant.

Starting with Reagan attempting to kill unions by allowing companies to outsource, followed by the signing of NAFTA by GH BUSH, the direction of this country was doomed to be in this situation.

People on this very board DEFEND profits over people, saying that the "bottom line" for the shareholders was more important than keeping americans working.

Maybe now, people can understand that OUTSOURCING jobs creates monsters in this country. Outsourcing places all americans at risk as the jobs that remain are being taken by illegals who the businesses want working for them for low wages.

The middle class has been under attack starting with reagan, bush & bush, and yet , there are still people willing to call themselves republicans.

Our society is struggling because not enough of us are standing up to corporate america and to the politicians who protect them. Yes, our college kids cant find good jobs anymore, but who in washington cares on the republican side?

What was the LAST piece of legislation passed by any REPUBLICAN that helped an american worker?

Lets examine what they have tried.... McCain & collegues tried to eliminate the federal minimum wage, they tried to overturn the Fair Labor Standard act of 1939 which established overtime, 40 hours a week fulltime, weekends off, holiday pay, vacation pay and pension contributions.

We know they dont want people to have health care. Sure, they want people to buy it for themselves, but they dont want to make it affordable. Instead, its about making it more expensive.

They dont want kids to take pelgrants or loans for school without those loans being so costly nobody would take one out.

We have decayed along way since reagan got the ball rolling.

As long as companies like Walmart are allowed to import everything from china, we will never recover. Its unfair competition for a small business to purchase goods from american companies in the states and compete with Walmart whos entire inventory comes from China or mexico.

As the republicans war on workers continues through legislation for right to work, our situation will continue to get worse.



Comrade TOS,

You are. See, Freedom is complicated. You can't force/legislate your way to prosperity. Let's examine some of your rants......Right to work? You want to force(at the point of a gun)(cops) businesses to use models that ultimately lead to bankruptcy. Look around, they are everywhere....alot destroyed by unsustainable union contracts. Your very lifeblood. An end UPS will ultimately succumb to......think about that just a little. Some to think about......just about every airline, car company, aerospace, manufacturing(remember the ladies singing "look for the union label...." GE who is run by Obamas patsy, moving their manufacturing overseas. George Soros betting against the dollar, against the US. Illegals? your guy Obama is trying to flood the country with them so they can vote Democrat. Healthcare? Who is going to pay for this? You(democrats) want to force people(you included) at the end of a gun(IRS/gvt)......it's law right?

See, you can't create prosperity out of thin air. There's no magic. You can't have everyone making $40 an hour, free healthcare and a private jet in every driveway. BTW-how much should the minimum wage be? Let's say you have a small business....oh, like making vote for Obama bumper stickers....let's say. You have a couple employees....you gonna pay them $40 an hour? How about the minimum wage is $20 an hour, can you pay that? Can't? how about being fined or going to jail or maybe executed? Far out there? I don't know........how far do you let the govt. go? Keep in mind these are all the ideas you and your kind advocate and represent and beg for. Don't like these ideas? Good luck defending yourself against the tyranny of the govt.(remember you gave up your gun in the name of safety)........BTW-free education? If I don't pay for my daughters....she doesn't go. BTW-in the end.........how much freedom, rights, and ultimately your paycheck are you willing to give to the govt. to make all this stuff free? All? Again, please go live in China, North Korea.......you will find everyone just like you......paradise.


Staff member
I stand corrected. I guess I missed the post where you said something along these lines.

different thread, same concept but you have to start where you are to get where you are going and that begins oddly enough with mandatory national service. This isn't individual sickness. It is communal.


Well-Known Member
different thread, same concept but you have to start where you are to get where you are going and that begins oddly enough with mandatory national service. This isn't individual sickness. It is communal.

Knock ya self out. Besides me and mine already tunneled under and around it anyway.

BTW: I hear the national murderer-n-chief will address the nation shortly. Works for the lemmings I guess.


Staff member
Wright is and always has been correct, though I wonder how athiests can agree that when America puts herself above God, America should not be blessed.


Well-Known Member
Wright is and always has been correct, though I wonder how athiests can agree that when America puts herself above God, America should not be blessed.

Maybe you make the mistake of seeing atheists as immoral or you make the even bigger mistake that morality only comes from a belief in god. And I thought Wright was correct on this and I thought he was right on the "chickens coming home to roost" as well.