@tonyexpress is this all true?
I guess it's all in how you look at it. This article is talking about "taxes" and as
@Jones mentioned that depends on your income bracket . When it comes to expenses that chart would flip.
Small and larger businesses don't fair well here in California. Just because a business makes or grosses a higher amount doesn't justify what they have to pay in expenses and taxes, which is the reason they call California "not business friendly". Also, regulations are not business friendly, it costs a lot more to open up a business...This means as a retiree you will be paying more because business have to charge more.
Come here and try to buy a house, the "average" medium home price is around
$800k. If that's retirement friendly, have at it.
One last thing... California is a sanctuary State and there are many homeless in certain areas due to the nice weather and benefits they receive.