Which packages do you hate the most?

Rack em

Made the Podium
I'm waiting for the day when I get an on demand pick up for one of those poop boxes and when I get to the door the person asks if I can wait 5 minutes.


Bad Moon Risen'
The one I hate the most? Easy, the one in my hand.

Don't be so hard on the little guy.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I've gotten bulk stops for flower shops and bulk wine bottles. Probably hardest to load since you have to protect them on the floor from other heavy packages or waste a ton of shelf space.

Artificial Christmas trees are starting to irritate me, and recliners... WTF?

On a side note, my favorite packages are chainsaws and oil loaded onto the same car. Go on a rampage lololol

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Did it stink

I never hold those very close to my body for some reason or another...

But am always glad that I wear gloves when I have to handle one of those bastards.
Although, there was one house that put them in double Wal-mart plastic bags so it made it real easy to handle and pass off those to the air driver.