Which packages do you hate the most?


Well-Known Member
Tell that to Amazon. We had a call tag to pick one up a few weeks back. Mattress was on the front porch waiting to be shipped back. Told customer it had to be stuffed back into the box and left.

I get one of those call tags at least twice a month. One lady actually demanded I wait while she Saran wrapped the queen size mattress. I told her I doubt you have that much saran wrap and even if you do I still can not take it.

Same thing with huge rugs. I don't take them.


Well-Known Member
Those boxes of saline water because they always fell apart.

Mattresses for being too big & too heavy.

Plumbing supplies because one side was always deceptively light till the weight shifted.


Retired 23 years
Who remembers hating Gateway back in the day? Multi send agains every time.

I delivered tons of cow boxes during my time. I got into a pretty good pissing match with some office manager once when he refused to sign for all the Gateway boxes until he opened them up and inspected the contents for damage. That day he had got about 30 of them. Even after I had kindly explained how he could always file a claim later he insisted I wait around. I had no choice but to start loading them up to return to the truck---then he went ballistic. Luckily I was able to get ahold of my center manager and had him go over the rules. The office manager avoided me for the rest of his career. I made it a point to always smile at him.
I got one of those mattress in a box when I ordered a new one for my daughter.

I opened it up and was thinking that there was no way possible that it was a full size mattress.

Roll out the mattress, cut the vacuum seal, and it swells back into a full sized mattress.

It is actually pretty cool to see.

It's pretty cool to see one come down the slide all effed up, then a desk or trampoline finishes the job, and it slowly increases in size as it heads down the belt.