The company knows how to handle OSHA. OSHA will ask about the safety practices, and UPS will show them all the crap we "memorize" and fill out, but no one ever does. They show them the safety committee, that is really just a bunch of people sitting around getting extra time. Its a song and dance by the company.
I'm not sure the hazmat area being next to were you work is an actual complaint. You would have to have proof that hazardous fumes were being given off and you were breathing them in. Proof is a big word at the company and they will make sure you don't have it. They can enter a to/from label into the system and say there was anything they want in that box, whether that package was actually shipped or not. If you have a picture of a open or broken chemical bottle that is marked, and you can confirm there is a health hazard go for it. Otherwise, the company will retaliate. They won't give you proof. You might not even know its going on, in documentation you will never see. Maybe if the sups get sloppy, and you document everything, you might catch them too, but its tough.
They already moved it there out of desperation. They likely won't move it again. Just asked to be moved to a different area and make it some other persons problem. They can get lung cancer down the road or have kids born with 1 arm and leg, but either way its not your problem.