Anonymous 10
Local 407 endorses the Hoffa slate
D. None of the above.
Hoffa Slate Wins By a Landslide!
You heard it here first.
huh...I already bitch about them, they're Hoffa cronies just like our locals President. Nothing I, you or anyone else can do or say is going to change the tide.Then don't come bitching to your shop steward or business agent if things go south if Hoffa gets re-elected.
huh...I already bitch about them, they're Hoffa cronies just like our locals President. Nothing I, you or anyone else can do or say is going to change the tide.
Voting because Pope or Gregare is different than Hoffa is equally as irresponsible. Neither of them are qualified to run the Teamsters and neither have any kind of track record. Look at Sandys Pension fund, it's like 15% funded compared to 2000.
I will vote for Fred. Why-- I contacted his web site about a week ago and with in 3 days the contacted me and wanted to answer any questions i may have, He asked where i was from and i told him, he said well i'll be one county over i can meet you face to face. Well i had over slept and missed his phone call to set up a meeting place. He said not a problem and gave my name to another person who would meet me.
I find this very impressive that they will meet one person not a whole group if needed. And by the way they do return phone calls at 4am.
Sandy pope has not returned my e-mail in 3 months or a phone call
"Change the tide"?? What tide?? The only "tide" I perceive out there is a movement against incumbents-at all levels and every institution. Whether it is politics or local union elections, incumbents are being thrown out. Sometimes for rational reasons and sometimes for irrational reasons. Americans in general are hurting and are taking it out on those in power. When members get their ballots they will see a very familiar name on that ballot: HOFFA. They will immediately vote against that name and choose between Pope, with a built in infrastructure that Carey, TDU and Tom L built up over 20 years, and former Hoffa lackey Gegare, whose only base is Hoffa's base.
On being qualified to run the Teamsters, what qualification did Junior have to run anything in 1998?? He wasnt even a working Teamster. He was a little man with a big famous name. Tell me did he ever "bring back the power!!"?? He and many members unfortunately thought a Hoffa restoration would scare corporate America into buckling under. LOL, we know the record here. I guess the big Hoffa name just didnt have to juice anymore. Junior knows it, I bet even Gegare knows it now but went along for the ride at the members expense.
Is Sandy qualified to run this once great union?? Yes, she has been around some terrific union brothers and sisters over the years like Ron Carey and Tom L. Remember she has been a Teamster since 1978. She has been on the front lines lately fighting the fight to organize the unorganized. She is not the type that sits in her office and smokes cigars. She is out there in the field holding rallies, talking to members , bargaining good contracts, holding seminars, teachiing labor law, helping other locals bargain their contracts, organizing shops, and pushing back against Corporate America. While Junior is out there giving speeches on what is to be done, Sandy is out there taking action, getting her hands dirty fighting the good fight!!
Or Pope or Gegare either.Then don't come bitching to your shop steward or business agent if things go south if Hoffa gets re-elected.
you guys in the east really dont get it. TDU isnt something that is valued across this country. Ron Carey was anand was forced out. He is history. Tom L has been a perpetual loser ever since his campaign started way back.
TDU in California stands for one thing; TOO DUMB TO UNDERSTAND.
Sandy Pope may be a nice lady, but she is in NO WAY qualified to hold the office of general president. While Hoffa and crew may not have done the best job handling UPS issues since the ratification of the last contract, that really falls back on "US" for ratifying it in the first place.
The economy is in a mess, and changing horses in the middle of a mess with someone who doesnt have an EBOARD ready to go from the jump, speaks volumes about her leadership. POPE should have spent the last year building an EBOARD using the top people in the country. Instead, she offers the membership (US) a last minute round of appointments, and those appointments could haunt us in the next contract negotiations.
If the best association Sandy Pope can offer is Tom L or Ron Carey, that isnt something that in california that means anything. While I have my own disagreements with Hoffa and his administration, I in NO WAY would vote for Sandy Pope as General President.
I have spent 21 years as a teamster and 6 as an executive officer of my local, but I in NO WAY would endorse Sandy Pope. I have had many meetings with Tom L (over the years) who has visited me here in southern California and I would not endorse him either.
He and I disagree mainly on the personnel he hangs around with, and the same can be said for POPE.
I find that you all in the east enjoy the drama of causing trouble with each other and if your local is any example of what kind of people Sandy Pope would bring to DC, then everyone should be afraid, ..afraid of losing their careers.
It is not about TDU, it is solely about HOFFA and Hoffa's inability to lead this union in the right direction. When the UPS brass is bragging on how great the relationship is between the union then you know you have a problem a serious problem especially with the lack of contract protection that has been allowed by the union and please do not give me the economy nonsense with UPS and their record profits. Sandy's position on this eboard complaint is that Hoffa eboard does want Hoffa tells them to do. Hoffa's eboard is a functional group when given the opportunity to be functional so thus Hoffa is the problem from her view point and keeping his eboard would not be a problem and it makes sense simply because of the experience some of the Hoffa supporters keep throwing out there. Ron Carey has done alot for me and alot of UPS teamsters out here for example the 22.3 jobs, two feeder drivers being hired from the part time pool instead of individuals off the streets that did not work at all at UPS. Carey made some mistakes but for the most part has done the overall union a great service. Lets not discount Carey's work.
Other Side, several times you call Sandy Pope "a nice lady". Listen Sandy Pope is a 33 year Teamster who used to drive a tractor trailer in a male dominated job!! How dare you disrepect her with your condescending nonsense. A matter of fact she is a black belt and would probably kick your ass!! You have every right to criticize her strategy,etc but she is more qualified than Junior was in 1998. As for the attack on Ron Carey, you couldnt shine Ron Carey's shoes. The man took on UPS and "part time America" when no one else had the balls. He put a scare in Corporate America and they went after him. I dont know if you read newspapers out west but Carey was acquitted of all the bogus charges!!
Other Side, several times you call Sandy Pope "a nice lady". Listen Sandy Pope is a 33 year Teamster who used to drive a tractor trailer in a male dominated job!! How dare you disrepect her with your condescending nonsense. A matter of fact she is a black belt and would probably kick your ass!! You have every right to criticize her strategy,etc but she is more qualified than Junior was in 1998. As for the attack on Ron Carey, you couldnt shine Ron Carey's shoes. The man took on UPS and "part time America" when no one else had the balls. He put a scare in Corporate America and they went after him. I dont know if you read newspapers out west but Carey was acquitted of all the bogus charges!!
Thank you for enlightening the Other Side on the fact that Carey was acquitted. And by the way Other Side, I voted no on the ratification of the contract so let us stick to the facts. I must point out this "sinister" quote of yours when management is cosy with the union that is beyond a working relationship because management is not cosy with employees. Employees are work as instructed by the management but to have a check and balance by the employees is the whole reason for the grievance procedure especially when the production harrassment is at an all time high. Other side to quote,"be thankful you have a contract ratified in 2013 instead of a strike" really. If that is the weak minded nonsense that is taught out in California then I hope you guys have a second job because without the threat of a strike a union has no LEVERAGE. Obviously you did not read my thread in entirety because I definitely was not going to hear anything about companies and this economy. Companies across the board are making huge profits but refuse to put the money back into the economy by creating jobs. Tax breaks, over working their employees, and etc have produced record profits not only for UPS but many other fortune 500 companies. Without a strong union presence then this antics will continue. Wake up a smell the coffee instead of drinking Hoffa's unsweetened Cool aid. By the way, half of Hoffa's eboard has either abandoned Hoffa or ran against him like Fred Gegare so it is hard to say that Sandy could not get along with Hoffa's eboard when Hoffa's own eboard does not get along with him.