Or "Mam, if John isn't available and the package isn't here I'll mark down first delivery attempt and come back tomorrow."
"Yeah he's not here but give me a minute, it'll just take a second" and they slam the door in your face while they call him.
As you wait on the doorstep, you think back on the last time this happened. Just like in this moment, the last time this happened every instinct inside of you screamed to sheet as not ready and walk back to the truck. Last time you did it. You actually did it, you said to yourself if the customer doesn't value your time then you shouldn't be required to value theirs and you walked back to your truck and went on about your day.
You come in the next morning only to hear your name called out at the end of PCM.
"[Center manager] wants to speak with you."
As you walk to the office, one of your stewards falls in line about a step or two behind you. You have a union escort now. Surely this meeting is going to be good news. /s
You get a chance to say your say. In the end, it doesn't matter what words come out of your mouth. "We're issuing you a warning letter based on this service failure," they tell you-- or if you're really unlucky, this is your second or third strike and they're hitting you with a suspension or intent to terminate, because the customer called in and said you never picked up the package.