bella amicizia
It is amazing how, after working preload for a few years, you learn to look in the faces and tell whether they will make it or not. Crystal ball-no. But, it seems to work. HR is in desperate need of something to help them with the people they pick, that is something we can agree on!!I understand the contradiction in my wordage. What I was trying to explain, is that the wordage I chose I took directly from the contract. That contradiction you pointed out is in, and came to my post, from the contract. The lawyer comment comes from my assumption that it was lawyers who wrote the wordage of the contract.
I still believe supervisors should not work, unless absolutely necessary. See, I do understand the need when it is justified. All too often, though, I have seen them justify when it wasn't appropriate.
As for attendance issues being a direct result of lack of supervision, no. It is a direct result of a lack of a work ethic, a lack of those people taking personal responsibility to show up for work. The lack of an appropriate response to people not showing up is absolutely due to lack of supervision, or lazy or weak supervision. That I will agree with.
Let me rephrase then, managements response to no call-no shows is not correct. They do not hold these good-for-nothings responsible for their actions.
"Fire the people who don't show up" - If only it were that easy. Not saying it cannot be done, not making excuses, it is my job. However, even if I spend the time and stay on top of every occurance, it can take a year or more to accomplish this. It is a very time consuming complex process, even in the best of circumstances. If it weren't, you should ask for your dues back.
B]It is the job you chose to do. Not being harsh, just honest.[/B]
As for hiring people who will, I do not do the hiring, but if you have crystal ball that will allow you to know exactly who those people are among the ones that show up to the interviews, I would appriciate it if you would loan it to HR, they are in desperate need.
I realize being a part-time sup in operations in a no-win situation, but, it seems, so is being union.
I, actually, like your posts, Mr. IE. I might be hard to tell, but they do contain a lot of good information, at times.
I hope your day fills with giggles and glee, Mr. Brown IE Man.