Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Staff member
OMG, who cares.

Kavanaugh will get confirmed.

Not sure why we're spending so many calories discussing this.
Because republicans don’t care that they may be putting a rapist on the highest court in the land but they are afraid that people (voters) will be horrified that they won’t care. Democrats, without the ability to do anything about it, are busy writing political ads about it and in general enjoying watching republicans tie themselves in knots over the whole thing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Because republicans don’t care that they may be putting a rapist on the highest court in the land but they are afraid that people (voters) will be horrified that they won’t care. Democrats, without the ability to do anything about it, are busy writing political ads about it and in general enjoying watching republicans tie themselves in knots over the whole thing.
Dims are raising a lot of money off this as well.


Well-Known Member
Because republicans don’t care that they may be putting a rapist on the highest court in the land but they are afraid that people (voters) will be horrified that they won’t care. Democrats, without the ability to do anything about it, are busy writing political ads about it and in general enjoying watching republicans tie themselves in knots over the whole thing.
They aren't putting a rapist on the Supreme Court, they're pushing back against lies and smears intended to destroy a good man's reputation and prevent a conservative court that might overturn Roe vs Wade. I seriously doubt that it will ever be overturned, because the Left would burn down half of every major city in the country if they did.


Staff member
What really happened is the Dems tried to screw Kavanaugh if you want to talk sex crimes.
That’s taking it too personally. Democratic strategists are probably happy with where things are now. If they can’t stop the confirmation, may as well as use it towards election fodder.


Staff member
They aren't putting a rapist on the Supreme Court, they're pushing back against lies and smears intended to destroy a good man's reputation and prevent a conservative court that might overturn Roe vs Wade. I seriously doubt that it will ever be overturned, because the Left would burn down half of every major city in the country if they did.
Stop being so slow. Of course they aren’t putting a rapist on the Supreme Court. They are putting an accused rapist
On the Supreme Court and are afraid of looking as though they aren’t taking a serious charge against him seriously. Of course it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. With all the “me too” and the simple dismissal of claims against the president, republicans simply look like they don’t care about violence against women. Don Jr. certainly didn’t help matters with his crayon drawing. And the whole naive, tone deaf thinking of “why wasn’t it reported decades ago” helps make them look foolish as well.


Well-Known Member
Stop being so slow. Of course they aren’t putting a rapist on the Supreme Court. They are putting an accused rapist
On the Supreme Court and are afraid of looking as though they aren’t taking a serious charge against him seriously. Of course it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. With all the “me too” and the simple dismissal of claims against the president, republicans simply look like they don’t care about violence against women. Don Jr. certainly didn’t help matters with his crayon drawing. And the whole naive, tone deaf thinking of “why wasn’t it reported decades ago” helps make them look foolish as well.
Calling me slow when you can't remember your own posts. You said they may be putting a rapist on the highest court in the land, not an accused rapist. And he wasn't even accused of rape. The whole thing stunk from the very start but y'all want to pretend there's no smell. Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein....these are all men who've repeatedly gotten into hot water with women to varying degrees. It's a known fact that sex offenders tend to be repeat offenders. Which is why they get the label hung on them, to warn others. Where's the proof that Kavanaugh has been a repeat offender? He's done everything right and still has to endure being smeared this way. And no, Democrat nominees have never been drug through the mud like Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh. If there's any doubt about how sleazy the Democrats have become it has certainly been dispelled by their latest actions.


Staff member
Calling me slow when you can't remember your own posts. You said they may be putting a rapist on the highest court in the land, not an accused rapist. And he wasn't even accused of rape. The whole thing stunk from the very start but y'all want to pretend there's no smell. Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein....these are all men who've repeatedly gotten into hot water with women to varying degrees. It's a known fact that sex offenders tend to be repeat offenders. Which is why they get the label hung on them, to warn others. Where's the proof that Kavanaugh has been a repeat offender? He's done everything right and still has to endure being smeared this way. And no, Democrat nominees have never been drug through the mud like Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh. If there's any doubt about how sleazy the Democrats have become it has certainly been dispelled by their latest actions.
SMH. So tone deaf.


Got the T-Shirt


Staff member
Hey, I hear Keith Ellison is really good at beating up women. You going to run him out on a rail? She's a Democrat after all.
You’ve never heard me defend Ellison. Nor will you. You’ve never heard me defend Cosby either. You won’t.