Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
You’ve never heard me defend Ellison. Nor will you. You’ve never heard me defend Cosby either. You won’t.
Yeah but you keep ripping Republicans when your party constantly sweeps things under the rug. There's no proof, just allegations, about Kavanaugh. But Dems who are actually caught red handed are given a pass. And you call me tone deaf. Right.


Staff member
Yeah but you keep ripping Republicans when your party constantly sweeps things under the rug. There's no proof, just allegations, about Kavanaugh. But Dems who are actually caught red handed are given a pass. And you call me tone deaf. Right.
Ellison, Cosby...swept under the rug? I haven’t seen that.


Staff member
Oops ...

“FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case, reach a conclusion, period. Period,” said Biden at the time.

“The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report—you would not like it if we did—because it is inconclusive. They say, ‘He said, she said, and they said. Period,” he added.
- Joe Biden
That’s always the case. The FBI investigates, relays it’s findings to the DOJ or congress and decisions on how to proceed are made based on those findings.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Due process would involve a formal investigation. You cuckservatives are hilarious!
No smilet Dick Tracy.
Given the "due process" behind the "organized process" this whole fiasco entailed , the guy is smeared for life no matter the outcome.
Wake up and go c**k yourself.


Strength through joy
all , but I'm not sure since I was drugged or something like that. I'm sure a saw two boys who were joined at the hip hovering about me. I didn't know their names back then but I know they work in the government now, or at least one does. My memories from over 30+ years ago are still fuzzy, but I swear it was them, happened in '82


nowhere special
all , but I'm not sure since I was drugged or something like that. I'm sure a saw two boys who were joined at the hip hovering about me. I didn't know their names back then but I know they work in the government now, or at least one does. My memories from over 30+ years ago are still fuzzy, but I swear it was them, happened in '82

Her whole story is full of holes.

Avenatti. Say no more.


Staff member
all , but I'm not sure since I was drugged or something like that. I'm sure a saw two boys who were joined at the hip hovering about me. I didn't know their names back then but I know they work in the government now, or at least one does. My memories from over 30+ years ago are still fuzzy, but I swear it was them, happened in '82
Stop by later. We’ll run a rape kit on you. Bring your wife and kids. We’ll put you on the evening news.