Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
Is the assertion that these women are lying?

I can’t square that.

Ford’s life is undeniably altered at this point, if you were her, why would you go there?

And the latest accuser? Is she straight up lying?

That doesn’t make sense.

It’s funny, if someone had accused Brett K of defacing a synagogue with Nazi slogans, or abusing animals, or lying about a fender-bender, he’d be Audi-5000.

But allegedly abusing women?

Well, boys will be boys, and you know high school kids!!!



Well-Known Member
Brett Kavanaugh is not some kid who came from nothing. He comes from a very privileged back ground and therefore begs the question: How much privilege did he think he was entitled to? Was he just another "preppie" who believed he could do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted because of his affluent and privileged back ground?
He'll probably be confirmed but one has to wonder if the opinions he writes will be impacted by his privileged back ground and his detachment from the everyday trials and tribulations the rest of us have to contend with?


Well-Known Member
Brett Kavanaugh is not some kid who came from nothing. He comes from a very privileged back ground and therefore begs the question: How much privilege did he think he was entitled to? Was he just another "preppie" who believed he could do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted because of his affluent and privileged back ground?
He'll probably be confirmed but one has to wonder if the opinions he writes will be impacted by his privileged back ground and his detachment from the everyday trials and tribulations the rest of us have to contend with?

priviledge means you're not allowed to be successful? Classic class warfare nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Brett Kavanaugh is not some kid who came from nothing. He comes from a very privileged back ground and therefore begs the question: How much privilege did he think he was entitled to? Was he just another "preppie" who believed he could do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted because of his affluent and privileged back ground?
He'll probably be confirmed but one has to wonder if the opinions he writes will be impacted by his privileged back ground and his detachment from the everyday trials and tribulations the rest of us have to contend with?
He's already written hundreds of opinions that were highly praised for their evenhandedness. I know you hate the rich but he's a product of the best educational institutions where he excelled. And there's nothing that turned up in 6 previous FBI background checks. How much do you need?


golden ticket member
The newest piece of info...….Grassley's journal of events shows the GOP talked twice to a guy under oath who says he may be the guy that Dr. Ford is describing. I'm going with the mistaken identity theory.


Well-Known Member
Is the assertion that these women are lying?


not lying confused. the memory does a lot of things over 35 years.

by the way the senate investigators have interviewed two men who have come forward and given sworn detailed testimony that they believe they may be the ones that ford is referring to.

their stories also will be difficult to prove or disprove.


Well-Known Member
He's already written hundreds of opinions that were highly praised for their evenhandedness. I know you hate the rich but he's a product of the best educational institutions where he excelled. And there's nothing that turned up in 6 previous FBI background checks. How much do you need?
The only part of the Kavanaugh nomination that matters to you is the hope that he'll overturn Roe vs Wade. If so it will be at least a generation before you'll see another Republican congressional majority. But then again where you're going I'm sure that they will have a completely unbiased judiciary. Yea right. Did you see the tongue lashing Trump took from Bolivia's strong man dictator yesterday ? They hate us down there.Then again if it will save you $36.19 in living costs every month, can't beat that.


nowhere special
libbies are obsessed with Roe vs. Wade.

Its unlikely Kavanaugh will change that. Its the future cases and reigning in the rampant liberal judicial activism that matters.
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Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
All I am saying is..
Why wait all this years to come forward? This is a circus media. All victims are afraid of come forward until now? Common. Same as Bill Cosby, Weinstein, etc... Im not saying its not right doing them justice, its the lenght period to come forward. For me it doesn't make any sense. I feel empathy for all victims, but the sooner telling the better, that will avoid repeating patterns to other possible victims.