Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
You remind me of this guy!
Calm down old man. I don't know why you and @oldngray are taking this whole process so personally. You have to admit if this little sniffling bitch is confirmed as our next scotus our country's screwed.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Calm down old man. I don't know why you and @oldngray are taking this whole process so personally. You have to admit if this little sniffling bitch is confirmed as our next scotus our country's screwed.
A better chance that our country will be saved from this constant march to become like the failed Western European Socialist Democracy governments.
Just being a mirror ... if you don't like harsh retorts, then don't make the harsh judgment yourself.


Well-Known Member
Somebody better check to see that Kavanaugh's booze cabinet is fully stocked . This will be the mother of all benders when this is all said and done.You know the most sensible and reconcilable thing to do would be to give Merrick Garland the job. But oh no we can't give the job to the guy who tracked down and sent Tim McVeigh to the next dimension . But to the reps fairness only belongs to their guy.

I hope you have your reputation unfairly destroyed someday

El Correcto

god is dead
No evidence and he is a rapist. Democrats are now applying the same standard they did in the Jim Crowe south to blacks to Kavanaugh.

I’m just waiting for them to drag him out and lynch him in front of the #metoo protesters.