Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Staff member
I don’t care about the drinking, I care about the lying under oath about it. This isn’t hard to follow.

And here you lie about not caring about his drinking. ;)
If it was reported that Brett Kavanaugh had six fingers on one hand, y'all would accuse him of being a witch.

It isn't the content that matters, and you've made that expressly clear. You are going to find anything possible to try to hurt his chances. The ends justify the means for you.

And that's why we are on opposite sides.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And here you lie about not caring about his drinking. ;)
If it was reported that Brett Kavanaugh had six fingers on one hand, y'all would accuse him of being a witch.

It isn't the content that matters, and you've made that expressly clear. You are going to find anything possible to try to hurt his chances. The ends justify the means for you.

And that's why we are on opposite sides.
So you’re cool with a judge casually lying? I think it’s a problem.


Well-Known Member
I don’t care about the drinking, I care about the lying under oath about it. This isn’t hard to follow.
Do you remember every small party you went to in high school? It would stand out if it was one where you were sexually assualted.

Why does Kav lie so much about his drinking? He told many obvious lies about it, got combative and angry when asked about it. His buddy Judge wrote a memoir about their drunken adventures together. What’s he hiding? I think we know the answer.

The truthfulness of your response is suspect.


Strength through joy
I still want to hear from Dr. Ford's husband.
According to her letter , he is the first person to mention the Judge by name.


nowhere special
Does Corey Booker even know what day of the week it is ?