Who will win democratic nomination in 2020

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I didn't say they appreciate a Republican liar, lol. So far his lies are more inaccuracies than anything. None of this pass major legislation by lying my head off business that screws most of us.

The number of "inaccuracies" put out by Trump versus the number put out by the Democrats are not even in the same universe. I understand why his supporters don't give a :censored2:, but they should at least be honest about it.


Well-Known Member
The number of "inaccuracies" put out by Trump versus the number put out by the Democrats are not even in the same universe. I understand why his supporters don't give a :censored2:, but they should at least be honest about it.
How many times has the Press had to retract things said and written about Trump? Too many to count. The whole Russian collusion farce is based on lies. And when a President goes on air to sell legislation that he says will save the average family thousands on healthcare, and then premiums and deductibles rocket up, that's the kind of lying that hurts us, not Trump getting his facts wrong about minor things.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I’ve recently discovered Tulsi Gabbard, Representative for Hawaii and US Army Reserve Major. Sounds like she’s running. Young, attractive, intelligent and eloquent to boot. Would vote for her over any Democrat that’s expressed interest in a 2020 Presidential run so far.

Here she is on Joe Rogan’s podcast a few months ago. Can skip around and get a feel for how she presents.



Well-Known Member
Like they say life imitates art and Tulsi Gabbard is Matt Santos. A obscure congressman coming out of nowhere and clearly a 21st century political up and comer. And with mainstream Republicans scrambling to find an alternative to an an ageing and narcissistic Donald Trump this woman might be a force the GOP would rather not have to contend with in 2020.


Well-Known Member
lol ..this is happening.

Lets hope
If she gains traction to become a serious contender the Hard Right will attack her on several fronts:
!. Democrat 2. Woman 3 Born on American Samoa 4 Mixed Race: Mother: Caucasian Father: Samoan But natural born American citizen which makes Tulsi the same. 4: Practicing Hindu 5: Second marriage and childless Summary: bible thumpers will be on a rampage but a O'Rourke /Gabbard ticket has to be attractive to younger voters.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If she gains traction to become a serious contender the Hard Right will attack her on several fronts:
!. Democrat 2. Woman 3 Born on American Samoa 4 Mixed Race: Mother: Caucasian Father: Samoan But natural born American citizen which makes Tulsi the same. 4: Practicing Hindu 5: Second marriage and childless Summary: bible thumpers will be on a rampage but a O'Rourke /Gabbard ticket has to be attractive to younger voters.
As will the Hard Left!
The hard left is absolutely Anti-Semitic so extending that to a Hindu is just a given.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How many times has the Press had to retract things said and written about Trump? Too many to count. The whole Russian collusion farce is based on lies. And when a President goes on air to sell legislation that he says will save the average family thousands on healthcare, and then premiums and deductibles rocket up, that's the kind of lying that hurts us, not Trump getting his facts wrong about minor things.
You mean O'Bummer was a sorry assed liar ... just like Trump?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
As will the Hard Left!
The hard left is absolutely Anti-Semitic so extending that to a Hindu is just a given.

I think there's a difference between being anti-semitic and not giving Israel a free pass to do whatever it wants. And Hindus have nothing to do with that. So the extension is more than a stretch.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I think there's a difference between being anti-semitic and not giving Israel a free pass to do whatever it wants.
This is an example of a False Dichotomy.
Many Jews living in America disagrees with you ... a lot of Jews will be voting for Trump in 2020 that did not in 2016.

So the extension is more than a stretch.
This is Current Events ... home of liars and spin doctors.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This is an example of a False Dichotomy.
Many Jews living in America disagrees with you ... a lot of Jews will be voting for Trump in 2020 that did not in 2016.

Actually, I don't think this is an example of a false dichotomy. And if some people cannot believe that there can be no difference between being anti-semitic, and being against Israeli policies, that's their deal.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Actually, I don't think this is an example of a false dichotomy. And if some people cannot believe that there can be no difference between being anti-semitic, and being against Israeli policies, that's their deal.
Perhaps you should look up the meaning of False Dichotomy.
You are limiting the discussion to two positions when there is literally dozens of positions.