Hi Sat,
Sat with all do respects, I am going to try and convince you not to cross the line. I believe I understand your position on why you crossed. It also appears that you have a strong work ethic.
First, Right to work states. I live in one. I have no problem with it. If someone wants to cross the picket line. Go right ahead. I dont mean to be confrontational with you Sat., but I disagree with your answer on the reason you crossed the line.
Second, Sat when you say you had deep moral convictions and that is why you crossed seems to have a subliminal mess tied to it that says, the rest of us do not. That might not be your intentions, but it does come a cross that way. I did not agree with all that the Teamsters were striking about in 97. Who was? The point is. There were some things in that contract worth fighting for. Ex. Temps to be use 12 mons out of the year. Not good.
Do you know what type of people started the Teamsters. The poop birds and hoods. The old school, highly ethical and conservative workers did not. In fact even with the automakers, it was the trouble makers that started the Union. Organized Labor/ Organized Crime. Hmmmm. Strike, could it be a form of extortion. Perphaps. Teamsters/Mobsters. Having said that I would question all Unions intentions. Yes, they help the common laborer, but in turn do they help themselves? Sat. would you have struck the Ford automobile company in the earlier 1900's. Our would you have crossed the line? Why work for UPS? Could that be against your moral compass? All Pay and bennies that we have acquired over the years are from the result of corrupt means. Extortion. Give us what we want or we will strike you and put you out of business. Sat. just something to think about. Sat what would you strike for? Safety conditions, perphaps.
Let me also throw this at you. Asia. All those sweat shops. Slave labor for American companies. Nike(the shoe company), said years ago when they moved operations over there that the price of shoes would come down. Have they? LOL Why aren't the people of Asia rising up and starting unions? Is it their governments that stops them? Or is it because the people have high moral work standards. Perphaps it goes against their character to start a union/strike. Fear of being replaced,could be another factor. Folks Im just throwing stuff out there. Just to get you thinking. What Asia needs is a Mafia. LOL Organize those people. Do some good ol extortion. Bring those companies to their knees.
Sat. in closing I feel that if your convictions are so strong that you might not to work for UPS anymore. I might be wrong in saying this. Feel free to respond.
If I decide to cross the line in the future, it will be based on the facts of the day.
Just as it was in 97'.
Not being a member of the teamsters will have no bearing on my respecting the picket line. If in my view the cause is just, I will not cross.
Yes, I know the history of the teamsters, all to well. If you want to take the start unionism back farther, you will know it was a Socialistic/Communistic effort fostered by DuBois.
I quit the union and crossed the line in 97' because of the present, not past, corruption and manipulations behind the scenes in the teamsters.(as I have posted Ad Nauseum)
You asked of me, "Why work for UPS?".
The simple answer is because I applied for the job and wanted it and have kept for 21 yrs
When I was hired at UPS as a temporary seasonal hire in 86' I had no idea it was a union job.
UPS told me if I did the job the way they wanted it done they would pay me.
Now to the morals question.
All the corruption and violence you speak about was brought about by the union.
Never have I been lied to by UPS.
I was lied to by the teamsters.
UPS has always met their financial promises to me.
The teamsters have not.
My convictions are strong enough to be loyal to the ones that have been truthful and loyal to me.
Never have I intentionally sent out a message, subliminal or not, that I have a higher moral standard than anyone else.
I guess I am just a person that was raised with a 1950's mentality.
Different mindset than what I see around me today.
I will just let the rest of you argue, fuss and fight with UPS about how valuable you are to the company and I will continue to try and prove my worth to them.