I am voting no for several reasons. The first is the fact that part-time employees will still be starting at 8.50 an hour in 2008; This will severly lower the quality of employees willing to work at UPS. Remember all our full-time service providers come from this pool of part-time employees. Also there is a huge loophole that allows UPS logistics to double breast. We have lost hundreds of feeder jobs to logistics already. If you think this does not affect you it will. This forces feeder drivers to bump back to package and package drivers to bump back to 2part-time. Also if volume drops 2% the company does not have to honor the full time jobs agreement. Progression was increased to 30 months for full time and 3 years for part-time to get an option day. These were huge consessions and I can't see why we gave these. My supplement has 3 to 5 less days off than any other I have seen along with no paid break for full-time employees. We also have language which allows part-time cover drivers to drive feeder runs for years without gaining seniority. The 9.5 language was also weak.