Whose responsibility?


Just a turd


Well-Known Member
They have a print out every pcm saying who is close to going over dot hours.nothing better than hearing your name listed on Thursday. Only thing better was when they said u have to be back by 2 on Friday. Only happened a couple of times but they'd send out a newbie or a sup I'd try to set up as much as I could. Never asked to stay on board.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
They have a print out every pcm saying who is close to going over dot hours.nothing better than hearing your name listed on Thursday. Only thing better was when they said u have to be back by 2 on Friday. Only happened a couple of times but they'd send out a newbie or a sup I'd try to set up as much as I could. Never asked to stay on board.
Almost makes skipping all of that break worth it.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
We had 8 or 10 drivers today that were given a curfew by the boss so they would have 11 or 12 hours for tomorrow as they "will be needed" due to our volume.


Well-Known Member
Is the D.O.T. Hours of service?

Is this on the driver or one ups?

Some drivers seems confused about this and this is always a good time of year for repetitive threads.

Some old timers here have spoke of a center near (like 300 miles away) here where the ORS told the driver to stay out past 14 hours to get it done and they fired them both. The driver came back but the supervisor was let go.


Well-Known Member
We did the Diad training for this recently. Up to the driver to keep up with it. But you best believe if you tell them you are out of hours they will double check.

Would it really be that difficult for the company to develop software to track those hours on a daily and weekly basis, highlighting those drivers getting close to going over?


Well-Known Member
Would it really be that difficult for the company to develop software to track those hours on a daily and weekly basis, highlighting those drivers getting close to going over?
They have a report for all the other crap. It would be too logical to run a report for something useful.