That's a good one.There must not be anybody answering the phones at IBT headquarters?
Just kidding.![]()
That's a good one.There must not be anybody answering the phones at IBT headquarters?
Just kidding.![]()
You're shooting from the hip chuchu, and missing. If the IBT went out of business tomorrow, TeamCare would survive at least until existing contracts expired. Any extra funding or as you call "overage" is allocated to reserve in Taft Hartley Plans. If the trustees, whom by law receive no compensation, are satisfied with the reserve, benefit improvements are instituted. The employees of TeamCare receive fair wages, no one receives anything nearing extravagant.Yeah, I understand. Although funding doesn't go directly to the IBT it funds their plan. Even nonprofit organizations give huge salaries to their principals and just because there's oversight the law allows certain stretches that we would call extravagant but legal. It's their plan and they run it. Left or right pocket, with legal oversight. There's still massive overages after the plan is dispersed and the employees aren't getting compensated dollar for dollar. But when in comparing the other locals proposed plans (with 135,000 less applicants) we find that there's better coverage available for the same contribution it becomes apparent something's very wrong.
In all that response I never got an answer about why we're getting the healthcare shoved down our throats without the raises. Can you explain that issue? Realistically.
You're shooting from the hip chuchu, and missing. If the IBT went out of business tomorrow, TeamCare would survive at least until existing contracts expired. Any extra funding or as you call "overage" is allocated to reserve in Taft Hartley Plans. If the trustees, whom by law receive no compensation, are satisfied with the reserve, benefit improvements are instituted. The employees of TeamCare receive fair wages, no one receives anything nearing extravagant.
I've not seen any plans offered that exceed TeamCare's coverage levels, but if these plans are available, it's most likely more to do with geography than any graft. Larger metro areas have more HC competition and plan administrators can bargain lower rates in more dense population areas. TeamCare provides coverage everywhere which affects rates.
I don't know why the IBT didn't seek to continue all terms of the expired CBA in the extension agreement, but obviously they didn't. Remember the deal we were under has expired. In the accepted National TA, UPS had agreed to continue HC coverage through the end of the year even though the '08-'13 CBA ended their obligation July 31, so I imagine they felt that agreement should be fulfilled even if the supplements didn't pass. If the Master had failed we may be paying cobra rates right now, while walking a picket line. Or maybe UPS will tell the IBT no more extension past Dec 31. Time will tell.
All speculation my friend but that's about as realistic as I can get...until the IBT opens tomorrow (wink).
Did you compute the additional income to the membership? Maybe thats why the IBT is pushing this. With the .70 raise that equals a $2 a month bump for the Local which reduces by about .50 after per cap is paid. On the other hand a FT'er gets a minimum of $28 a week for the extra $2 per month. Sounds like the membership wins that deal.Although, if you consider that our substantial pay raises in this contract pyramid into $2.5 million in additional annual dues collected by the final year of the contract alone, coupled with a bolstered healthcare fund, perhaps you can see why the IBT is selling this contract so hard.
What makes me nervous is how oddly silent the company has been since the first vote count?
..... The employees of TeamCare receive fair wages, ...
This sounds like some real JFKDid you compute the additional income to the membership? Maybe thats why the IBT is pushing this. With the .70 raise that equals a $2 a month bump for the Local which reduces by about .50 after per cap is paid. On the other hand a FT'er gets a minimum of $28 a week for the extra $2 per month. Sounds like the membership wins that deal.
You're shooting from the hip chuchu, and missing. If the IBT went out of business tomorrow, TeamCare would survive at least until existing contracts expired."
In Hoffa's (joint) letter to Reid and Pelosi he admitted the fund is NOT sustainable unless the "tariff" was removed and nonprofit plans were treated as for profit pans. Obama rejected that request over a month ago. So much for survival. I think we could all be on Cobra too except for that "strike" word. UPS isn't interested in that word being in media print because the company knows they would lose a lot of market share and stock value would follow suit. I doubt that geographic area has anything to do with rate issues.
The more I look back at how the IBT has arrogantly handled this contract and left even the stewards in the dark (for obvious reasons) from day one the more I refuse to give credibility to any of their statements. MMI and article 17i language supposedly got changed and deleted but there's other language changes needed. Distrust makes shadows darker. Add to that a BA that makes deals behind our backs and you precipitate a pretty bad attitude. All this going on in the midst of the company having record profits. I don't care about a full time pay increase. I do care about part time America taking it on the chin every time Hall/Hoffa negotiates "for" us. And if Hoffa's "just a figurehead" as other posts assert then why is his picture on the propaganda literature they send out?
If you look real close at the $ gripped in the hand on the last "vote yes" IBT post card the bills are ones and fives. That must be on there to signify the part time perks.
What makes me nervous is how oddly silent the company has been since the first vote count?
I agree. But, we have no one to blame except the IBT, in my opinion, and I'm sure they'll (the ibt and the company) blame the "no voters" for the negative media coverage if this goes to a strike vote. Let's put the blame where it belongs...the IBT handled this whole thing wrong from the beginning and the BAs and Ken H himself admitted it during several conference calls. I'm tired of seeing Fred Z being barbecued because he stands up for a local that's overwhelmingly part time employees and it's obvious that they have valid issues with this proposed agreement.So true, but perhaps not odd.x
The company is in a great position. The supplements, for the most part, were voted down do to the fact that healthcare is now part of the national which passed. They really have no reason to be involved in getting the supplements passed. They will not need to spend any cash getting the supplements passed.
This is not good for the the union. We are attacking each other and blaming the union. All the while they sit at their desks and look at a union that is at war with each other making the union even weaker then it is.
You're shooting from the hip chuchu, and missing. If the IBT went out of business tomorrow, TeamCare would survive at least until existing contracts expired."
In Hoffa's (joint) letter to Reid and Pelosi he admitted the fund is NOT sustainable unless the "tariff" was removed and nonprofit plans were treated as for profit pans. Obama rejected that request over a month ago. So much for survival. I think we could all be on Cobra too except for that "strike" word. UPS isn't interested in that word being in media print because the company knows they would lose a lot of market share and stock value would follow suit. I doubt that geographic area has anything to do with rate issues.
The more I look back at how the IBT has arrogantly handled this contract and left even the stewards in the dark (for obvious reasons) from day one the more I refuse to give credibility to any of their statements. MMI and article 17i language supposedly got changed and deleted but there's other language changes needed. Distrust makes shadows darker. Add to that a BA that makes deals behind our backs and you precipitate a pretty bad attitude. All this going on in the midst of the company having record profits. I don't care about a full time pay increase. I do care about part time America taking it on the chin every time Hall/Hoffa negotiates "for" us. And if Hoffa's "just a figurehead" as other posts assert then why is his picture on the propaganda literature they send out?
If you look real close at the $ gripped in the hand on the last "vote yes" IBT post card the bills are ones and fives. That must be on there to signify the part time perks.
Geography has everything to do with rates. The "Hoffa" letter addressed concern over the inequity of "for profit" exchanges receiving the ACA allowed govt subsidies that for some inexplicable reason were not made available to Taft Hartleys. This will have some but not much impact on TeamCare as it is still vastly superior to the Bronze plan (very basic coverage) that will be the most popular offering of the exchanges. This will impact lower coverage Taft Hartleys H&W plans some less fortunate members are under.
Interesting you feel you have a deal making BA. You must not be in L89 where King Fred wouldn't tolerate such abuse of his beloved members.
WhateverYou can neg rep me all you want. Couldn't care less. It doesn't change the issue of self-centered attitudes. I read your posts, 407, and I'm not attacking you but I feel that everyone has a right to protect themselves from the neg language in this proposed contract. There are valid issues that need to be addressed. Healthcare isn't no.1 on my list but I support those that have valid issues with it. We need to see the other guys issues (and prioritize) and work to help all our bros and sisters until it's over. No matter how it turns out, at least, we can say we did our best. Together.
That sounds familiar???
Where have I heard that before?
WhateverThat sounds familiar???
Where have I heard that before?
Ok thanksYawn