The Republicans in office didn't elect Trump. It was a populist uprising that got him in. It's been overanalyzed to death the many contradictions of his past and present positions. What you are saying isn't something new. Trump ran as a Republican. The crowds ate it up when he stood up to and shouted down the good ol'boy network. Blame all of this on people fed up with Washington, including many of your fellow Democrats. What do you expect a Republican Congress to do, denounce him? Of course they're going to try work with him. Politics 101: Politics makes strange bedfellows. Nothing new under the sun.
Populist uprising?
Trump got 46% of the vote. When John McCain lost bigly to President Obama he got 45.5%.
The difference all the people who didn't vote for McCain voted for Obama.
That didn't happen this election. The untold story is that the majority of voters that didn't for Trump didn't coalesce around a single candidate. He won by about 60k-80k votes total spread across three states.
He isn't a populist. He doesn't have a populist message. He has an exclusionary message.
And if elected republicans wouldn't have supported him, would have said they we are not going to vote for Trump, that his brand of ignorance and bigotry, and crude behavior doesn't represent the Republican Party, and said the man is unfit to be President, he wouldn't have won because some small percentage of voters would have followed their lead, and he doesn't get the very very narrow victory he received.
Instead they embraced trump.
Trump voters don't give a damn about the good ole boy network or government corruption.
Trump is hiding his tax returns, he is openly profiting off of being President and is now arguing in open court that foreigners should be able to give him money directly through his businesses, he put a bunch of Goldman Sachs and billionaires in his administration, he is hiding the many many lobbyists he has brought in to his administration.
If these voters really cared about that good ole boy stuff they'd be revolting against what Trump is doing, but they aren't because again as I keep pointing out conservatives/republicans don't actually care about the stuff they pretend to care about.
Why they love Trump is because they thinks he hates the same groups of people they hate and they believe and hope that trump will hurt those people which they believe will somehow help them.