@Bubblehead why don't the vehicles get C washes; rims scrubbed with soap, water, and a hand brush; the outside and all of the glass get cleaned every night like it used to be?
We had full time porters prior to Aug of 1997. In fact we had a full time porter and two part timers that did porter work. The company cared that our uniforms and shoes were maintained at ups appearance standards.
'Why now' is a good question. The best answer I can muster is that the pride of who we are (were) and caring about public perception is no longer a priority for many managers at any level.
Service has been replaced with
Stock price and since the company doesnt care about the appearance of the building, vehicles, and the employees who are the face of ups the employees no longer care.
It starts at the top.
"Lead by example."
"It's not who is right it's about what is right."
Archaic statements.
If the management doesnt care the employees won't either.
Plain and simple.