Why !!!!


nowhere special
Even if they’re not married?
If they are married they can collect on each other's pension if one passes away

Know every pension plan is different some have a guaranteed 10-year payout so you could assign that payout to anyone if you pass away.

But where I'm at if I'm single and I pass away when I'm retired that pension is gone.

So you can get married have a prenup agreement so you can protect all of your assets but still have the same rights as a married couple


That’s Craptacular
The big downside to that though is if something happens to either of you, the other has no say in any medical decisions or financial decisions. Lots of partners have been unfairly kicked out by families.
That’s because they didn’t plan ahead. You don’t need to be legally married to have a medical and fiduciary POA or when you die...life insurance and a will.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I guess she isn't home right now?
No ,, she's out on her favorite day out ,,, grocery shopping, she gets to see her lady friends at the supermarket, yell at the 17 yr old deli kid for not slicing cheese thin enough and the bagger for not paying attention, then complain again when she come home about the entire experience!!
But hey ,, I took 1/ 2. Hr out of my busy day and snowblowed a path for her to bring in the groceries ,


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
She signed up for the job in 1988.
Love , honor , cherish.
I got the license and the priest signature and a picture to prove it !!