browned out
Well-Known Member
The VT comment or joke was tastless, unnecesary, and hurtful. What kind of person jokes about this especially to someone who may have personal ties to that tragedy?
That's assine. Anyone on this site who does no feel bad when anyone dies whether hourly oe management has some severe issues.
As for bashing the company I will continue to do so when its demands reult in the death of any upser. The people are more important than the packages..
you used the guys death to push your own twisted agenda. You discredited his effort. You have no idea whether the guy was working too many hours or was just the victim of an unfortunate turn of events but that did not stop you from firing the shot.
I know you think it smells great and is nice and its warm in there but please come out of big browns ass and try to see more than 1 side of the story.
You don't get it do you? I am big browns ass. I wear my brown proudly. I don't sit around and whine like a little girl like you do and blame the world for all my shortcomings.
Everytime I think that you may be objective. You make a statement like the roll away into a mailbox comments.
I happen to think its very objective regardless of who I work for. A runaway is still a runaway. Your philosophy is no harm no foul because we got lucky this time. I'm in feeders. Our feeder folk lead the industry in safety performance. Our drivers know there are no second chances when you're talking about a tractor and two trailers running away major damage and a death very likely. Meanwhile our package accident frequency is absolutely hideous while you try to alibi every runaway that occurs.
The post was about being discharged and not discharged based on speculation.
while you speculated that one management person who died during the strike meant all of us did a ty job?
A driver could run over the mailbox on purpose or or crash twice into other cars etc and still only get a warning notice.. Is this driver anyless dangerous? The roll away should be treated as an avidable and judged by severity as all other accidents are. We used to be instructed to put the car in lowest gear or reverse and put handbrake on. Shifter could be inadvertantly bumped out of gear. We had a roll away and driver was terminated. He got his job back and ups change it to lowest foreward gear.
The VT comment or joke was tastless, unnecesary, and hurtful. What kind of person jokes about this especially to someone who may have personal ties to that tragedy?
Tie if you are making more money than a driver, you have to be up there in the ranks of management. The average on-car sup couldnt come close to make what the average package driver makes let alone what a feeder driver brings home.You cannot collect a pension if you get fired for weak language! Look at the rollaway language, you can drive into a building and be ok, but god help it if your hand brake isnt tight and you roll into a mailbox your fired.
I suppose you're right we should bring him back to work with no repercussions so the next time he has a runaway it can kill a couple of kids playing next to the mailbox.
If this is true and you honestly believe that you can do our jobs as good as we can then why did you take a pay cut and go into management?
I think you totally missed my point. I'm past the false bravado of who can do the better job and who can bring whom to their knees during contract negotiations. You need to reread my post instead of making assumptions. I'm secure with the fact that I can't control what happens at contract time and I'm secure with the possible consequences. I realize there may be another psycho like Carey who knows he has impending indictments coming down the pipe and tries to throw a public strike to salvage his place in history. I'm not sure who you think you're talking to but I never took a pay cut getting into management. My pay has increased significantly each time I was promoted from one position to another.
Red I realize we have some idiots on this board but to be honest I expected a better response from you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but cover driving is voluntary. They know what their getting into and are expected of them. Don't think for a moment because they work so many hours they should jump into full-time status ahead of part-timers who have waited and earned their senority status to reach a driver progression opportunity. This is why the silent part time majority needs to raise these concerns to the leadership beforehand, not as a afterthought. This is why they should just do away with cover driving period, or use them as originally intended to vacation or workers comp coverage. Cover drivers are the reason driver progression is slow. Guess what, if nobody would volunteer, UPS would be forced to progress more into full time driver jobs. Unfortunatly, econimics rule,I guess these guys need the money more, but why apply for a part time job if you need full time pay.
VTBrownRe: Will we go on strike if contract is voted down
Well then....I would suggest that UPS come up with a better offer quickly if we vote this one down.
Pretty simple there
Well then, I suggest you contact your local FED-EX office and re-apply for a job their, cause you could be one of unlucky ones layed-off or demoted rookie.
probably the same kind of guy that makes insulting remarks about a dedicated upsers death during 97 and then tries to suger coat the comment by sending his regards to the family.
You are right tieguy, excuse me I now see that my comments are equally as socially unacceptable and moronic as yours.
I'm sure you can exceed my efforts in this arena.
My stating my belief that UPS's insistance on delivering packages at any cost ended up in tragedy for a man and his family. I stated a fact, I have no problem with the substitute feeder driver, he was a human being and he was following orders. He probably was one of the respectable sups.(or not, doesn't matter) Even if he was not well liked by his employees, he did not deserve to die over corporate greed.
Bingo. there you go you just did again. You talk about respecting another upsers memory and then you again piss all over it. I'm glad I was able to draw you out and reveal you for the slime ball you really are. I thought I'd be successful in drawing your true character out and you did not dissapoint.
I did not say or speculate this feeder sub did anything wrong or was at fault for anything. The fact is we are the professionals ;and I doubt UPS ever during the strike did a safety ride with any of the individuals driving these unfamiliar vehicles for long hours under extreme pressure.
Actually the man was a DTS instructor who was highly trained and as such a trainer of trainers. His dedication towards safety has helped implement our feeder safety record which is second to none. His safety track record was impeccable. He was a credit to this organization and he represented all upsers well until his untimely and unfortunate death. You really have no shame, no morals and no scrupels.
You are right tieguy, excuse me I now see that my comments are equally as socially unacceptable and moronic as yours.
I'm sure you can exceed my efforts in this arena.
My stating my belief that UPS's insistance on delivering packages at any cost ended up in tragedy for a man and his family. I stated a fact, I have no problem with the substitute feeder driver, he was a human being and he was following orders. He probably was one of the respectable sups.(or not, doesn't matter) Even if he was not well liked by his employees, he did not deserve to die over corporate greed.
Bingo. there you go you just did again. You talk about respecting another upsers memory and then you again piss all over it. I'm glad I was able to draw you out and reveal you for the slime ball you really are. I thought I'd be successful in drawing your true character out and you did not dissapoint.
I did not say or speculate this feeder sub did anything wrong or was at fault for anything. The fact is we are the professionals ;and I doubt UPS ever during the strike did a safety ride with any of the individuals driving these unfamiliar vehicles for long hours under extreme pressure.
Actually the man was a DTS instructor who was highly trained and as such a trainer of trainers. His dedication towards safety has helped implement our feeder safety record which is second to none. His safety track record was impeccable. He was a credit to this organization and he represented all upsers well until his untimely and unfortunate death. You really have no shame, no morals and no scrupels.
tie,You are right tieguy, excuse me I now see that my comments are equally as socially unacceptable and moronic as yours.
I'm sure you can exceed my efforts in this arena.
My stating my belief that UPS's insistance on delivering packages at any cost ended up in tragedy for a man and his family. I stated a fact, I have no problem with the substitute feeder driver, he was a human being and he was following orders. He probably was one of the respectable sups.(or not, doesn't matter) Even if he was not well liked by his employees, he did not deserve to die over corporate greed.
Bingo. there you go you just did again. You talk about respecting another upsers memory and then you again piss all over it. I'm glad I was able to draw you out and reveal you for the slime ball you really are. I thought I'd be successful in drawing your true character out and you did not dissapoint.
I did not say or speculate this feeder sub did anything wrong or was at fault for anything. The fact is we are the professionals ;and I doubt UPS ever during the strike did a safety ride with any of the individuals driving these unfamiliar vehicles for long hours under extreme pressure.
Actually the man was a DTS instructor who was highly trained and as such a trainer of trainers. His dedication towards safety has helped implement our feeder safety record which is second to none. His safety track record was impeccable. He was a credit to this organization and he represented all upsers well until his untimely and unfortunate death. You really have no shame, no morals and no scrupels.
i would really hate to work for you, i don't know what kind of management you are in, but the management at the hub i work at seem like angels compared to you.
The VT comment was just a funny anecdote. Not harmful to anyone. Just a foot in the mouth comment, I guess; and it was surely imperative and pertinent to this post. I hope the VT poster had no relation to anyone of these victims whose families also deserve our prayers and/or he was very shaken by your comments.; He may think of this tragedy daily. If this was the case; I would hope that you would be banned from this forum. I wonder how often you think of our fellow upser who perished.
Right again as always exhaulted one as I have not seen a post on this site where you were wrong.
i would really hate to work for you, i don't know what kind of management you are in,
but the management at the hub i work at seem like angels compared to you.
If you are a whiner and complainer who expects others to carry their weight for them and hides behind the union every time they screw up then you would hate working for me.
If you are the kind of person who comes in to work with a positive attitude and makes a sincere effort to do a good job ( I don't need a superstar) then I think we would have a good time at work.
You're responding to a post where I beat on the former type who desecrated the image and reputation of a dedicated ups who lost his life while working for us. If you can't understand that point then I don't know what else to tell you.
And here lies the problem. All about him. Not UPS...not us.....him( I don't need a ..............
And here lies the problem. All about him. Not UPS...not us.....him
Tie guy why don't you lay off king and go after some one who understans the contract a touch better then king? All your going to do is sour him towards UPS. Is that your goal to make him think every Sup's an A$. Why don't you go after me or or 705. why you picking on a rookie? Is this the way you feel like a big man? Tie your eskew lap dog. The way to you talk to people and the way your repesent UPS is not very good. matter of fact Your just an internet bully who like to pick on and twist peoples words. how long have you worked for UPS tie? where you ever an hourly worker? or were you hire from the out side and have no understanding of what it's like to be an hourly. Tie leave king alone and attack me for a change, i can take your bull commets. Your like every other UPS SUP, a LIAR. Everything you say has a slant on it, and has no basis for an hourly worker. Say something to me you bully. you want a verbal battle with someone have one with me you Puss*. that's right a called you a PUSS*...
You appear to me to be an arrogant, insulting and offensive, person. You state that I do not know the contract but yet you are the one that gave me misinformation. I stated that the insurance I will receive is not the insurance I was told I would receive. Now being that I am a better man them you, I will not entertain your repulsive posts. Have a good day!!Are we now pouting my son? Pissed because I told you that you don't understand the contract and that you need to attend your locals contract review meeting? Oh well.
I responded to a post on me as a boss. In such a context the use of the pronoun "I" would be correct. Had you gotten an education you would have understood this point.
thanks buddy!! Don't worry about this guy, I have gotten into far more heated debates with far better people, on the outside and on message boards.Tie guy why don't you lay off king and go after some one who understans the contract a touch better then king? All your going to do is sour him towards UPS. Is that your goal to make him think every Sup's an A$. Why don't you go after me or or 705. why you picking on a rookie? Is this the way you feel like a big man? Tie your eskew lap dog. The way to you talk to people and the way your repesent UPS is not very good. matter of fact Your just an internet bully who like to pick on and twist peoples words. how long have you worked for UPS tie? where you ever an hourly worker? or were you hire from the out side and have no understanding of what it's like to be an hourly. Tie leave king alone and attack me for a change, i can take your bull commets. Your like every other UPS SUP, a LIAR. Everything you say has a slant on it, and has no basis for an hourly worker. Say something to me you bully. you want a verbal battle with someone have one with me you Puss*. that's right a called you a PUSS*...