Tie guy why don't you lay off king and go after some one who understans the contract a touch better then king?
I have. Guess you'e too stupid to read.
All your going to do is sour him towards UPS.
No you guys will do a great job of that without my help.
Is that your goal to make him think every Sup's an A$.
Absolutely in fact thats all I live for. God I feel like I'm talking to a 2 year old.
Why don't you go after me or or 705.
Go after you? Is there a fly swatter handy?
why you picking on a rookie? Is this the way you feel like a big man?
Tie your eskew lap dog.
Huh? Did you just tell me to tie up eskews lap dog? Tie up eskews dog to his lap? Comon junior speak english.
The way to you talk to people and the way your repesent UPS is not very good.
wow you don't approve? Crap guess I won't sleep tonight.
matter of fact Your just an internet bully who like to pick on and twist peoples words.
That's why I like you , you twist em for me and save me some work.
how long have you worked for UPS tie?
How long has mommy let you play on the computer?
where you ever an hourly worker?
Did you ever accomplish anything in life?
or were you hire from the out side and have no understanding of what it's like to be an hourly.
If you actually read any of my posts you would have all your answers. Oh thats right you can't read can you?
Tie leave king alone and attack me for a change,
No offense but King has a brain. He can actually think for himself. You'e no challenge
i can take your bull commets.
But you're much better at spreading it.
Your like every other UPS SUP, a LIAR.
Really. Every one? Ok time to call your bluff. How many are there. Name them.
Everything you say has a slant on it, and has no basis for an hourly worker.
gee I think you hurt my feelings that time NimRod.
Say something to me you bully. you want a verbal battle with someone have one with me you Puss*. that's right a called you a PUSS*...
Unfortunately you're too dumb to spell the full word so you had to abbreviate. But you did try hard. oh thats right this is where I am supposed to "oh yea, I know you are but what am I?" Keep talking you're entertaining if nothing else.